Los coches fabricados desde el año 2000 en adelante solo van a mostrar datos básicos de motor relacionados con la contaminación y que están definidos en los 6 Protocolos OBD que no hay confundir con los Sistemas de las marcas que son mas de 60.000 y que no se parecen en nada a los datos OBD
Para realizar la diagnosis en los coches se necesita un dispositivo Adaptador que muchas personas creen que son Equipos de Diagnosis y esto es falso porque el verdadero Equipo de Diagnosis es el Software que al instalarlo en un Teléfono Móvil que con la ayuda de un Adaptador MARCAS + OBD de Autoxuga, va a mostrar todos los datos de los módulos electrónicos de los vehículos
Si pretende utilizar un Adaptador distinto al de Autoxuga tiene que ser un dispositivo de calidad cuyo precio va a oscilar entre los 70 y los 100 euros. Los adaptadores baratos que se consiguen en internet no debieran utilizarse en la diagnosis de los coches porque pueden deteriorar las Centralitas
Si cada mes realiza una diagnosis al coche con esta App y con el Adaptador de Autoxuga y borra las averías esporádicas que aparecen, podrá ahorrar unos 600 euros al año en Combustible y Talleres, además de alargar la vida útil del coche y reducir la contaminación
Para tener mas conocimientos sobre la técnica de diagnosis de los coches aconsejamos que lea los capítulos de Diagnosis y Códigos de averías en nuestra web:
Empresa ESPAÑOLA que elabora desde hace mas de 25 años Programas Informáticos de Gestión, Recambios, Contabilidad, Técnica y fabrica Equipos de Diagnosis Multimarca
Para ampliar información pueden llamar al teléfono +34629884413
email... [email protected] Software that allows checking the brands and models of cars mentioned above that shows data and parameters of: Diesel engine, Gasoline engine, OBD engine, ABS, ESP, Airbag, Instrument panel, Automatic gearbox, Klima, Gateway , etc., as well as breakdowns and deletion of them to prevent the car from causing problems as long as the vehicle was manufactured from the year 2008
Cars manufactured from the year 2000 onwards will only show basic engine data related to pollution and that are defined in the 6 OBD protocols that should not be confused with the systems of the brands that are more than 60,000 and that do not resemble each other. nothing to OBD data
To carry out the diagnosis in cars, an Adapter device is needed that many people believe to be Diagnostic Equipment and this is false because the true Diagnostic Equipment is the Software that at install it on a Mobile Phone that with the help of a BRANDS + OBD Adapter from Autoxuga, will show all the data of the electronic modules of the vehicles
If you intend to use an Adapter other than Autoxuga, it must be a quality device whose price will range between 70 and 100 euros. The cheap adapters that are available on the internet should not be used in the diagnosis of cars because they can damage the ECUs.
If every month you carry out a diagnosis to the car with this App and the Autoxuga Adapter and erase the sporadic faults that appear, you can save about 600 euros a year in Fuel and Workshops, in addition to extending the useful life of the car and reducing pollution
To have more knowledge about the technique of diagnosing cars, we advise you to read the Diagnosis and Fault Codes chapters on our website:
SPANISH company that has developed for more than 25 years Computer Programs for Management, Spare Parts, Accounting, Technique and manufactures Multibrand Diagnostic Equipment
For more information you can call the phone +34629884413
email ... [email protected]
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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