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Download DiXiM Play for REGZA Now


DiXiM Play for REGZAは、REGZAで録画したテレビ番組を宅内のホームネットワークだけでなく、宅外からもインターネット経由で再生して楽しむことができる、リモート視聴対応ネットワークプレーヤーです。

■□■□DiXiM Playとの違いについて□■□■
「DiXiM Play for REGZAと、DiXiM Play の違いにつきましては、以下の通りとなります。

・DiXiM Play では、ネットdeナビ機能に対応しておりますが、DiXiM Play for REGZAでは対応しておりません。

・DiXiM Play for REGZAでは、対向のサーバーが東芝のREGZAに限定されています。

今後の主な機能のアップデートは、DiXiM Playにて行う予定としておりますため、現在は『DiXiM Play』のご購入をおすすめ致します。(2017年11月現在)



 ●D-M470/M430 ※1

※問題がある場合は、ご購入後Google Playで規定された期間以内(2014/10/16現在、2時間以内)にこのページから払い戻しを実行してください。それ以降の払い戻しはできません。


 ●REGZAで録画したテレビ番組を、DiXiM Play for REGZAにダウンロードして持ち出して再生する。


 ●D-M470/M430 ※1




1. リモート視聴をご利用になるには、事前にリモート視聴に対応したREGZAと同じホームネットワーク(同じルーター機器)に接続してペアリングを実施する必要があります。

 ※ペアリングの有効期限は3ヶ月です。有効期限が切れる前に宅内の同じホームネットワークに接続してDiXiM Play for REGZAのサーバー一覧に対象のREGZAが表示されれば自動的に更新されます。定期的にホームネットワークに接続してDiXiM Play for REGZAを起動してください。有効期限が切れると宅外からREGZAヘ接続できなくなります。その場合は、もう一度REGZAとペアリングを実施してください。

2. ペアリングが完了すると、宅外からREGZAへアクセスできます。Android端末をLTEやWi-Fiでインターネットに接続して「リモートサーバー」からREGZAヘアクセスしてください。




●Android 8.0以降のOSでご使用のお客様は以下を参照ください。

【Android 7.1以前の端末にインストールして、Android 8.0以降のOSにアップ デートされたお客様】

 ●Android 6.0以降のOSでご使用のお客様は以下を参照ください。

【Android 5.1以前の端末にインストールして、Android 6.0以降のOSにアップ デートされたお客様】
持ち出し機能を使用して持ち出しコンテンツをストレージ(内蔵メモリ・SDカード)に保存している場合、アプリのアンインストール、再インストール又は端末初期化 を行いますと、保存されたコンテンツは再生できなくなります。

【Android 6.0以降のOSに新規にインストールされたお客様】

【Android 6.0以降のOSでマルチユーザーでご利用のお客様】
Android 6.0以降のOSで、持ち出し機能を使用して、別ユーザーで持ち出したコンテンツは再生できません。

掲載内用について、東芝様へのお問い合わせはご遠慮ください。 DiXiM Play for REGZA is not recorded TV shows only the home of the home network in the REGZA, can enjoy playing over the Internet from outside the home, remote viewing corresponding network player.

■ □ ■ □ the differences between DiXiM Play □ ■ □ ■
And "DiXiM Play for REGZA, With regard to the difference of DiXiM Play, will be as follows.

In · DiXiM Play, it has corresponding to the net de navigation function, but it does not correspond in DiXiM Play for REGZA.

In · DiXiM Play for REGZA, has opposed the server is limited to REGZA of Toshiba.

Future updates of the main function, since we are scheduled to perform at DiXiM Play, now we recommend the purchase of "DiXiM Play". (2017 of November)

■ □ ■ □ Please check □ ■ □ ■
▼ before you buy
Please check on your phone has been published in [Tested terminal] below.

▼ after purchase
When you are purchasing, please make sure that the immediately following connected to a REGZA corresponding to the remote viewing to operate without problems.
● playback of recorded content of REGZA at home
● pairing for remote viewing
● remote viewing via the Internet

※ REGZA corresponding to the remote viewing (2015/10/9 current)
● DBR-T660 / T650
● DBR-T670
● DBR-Z620 / Z610
● DBR-T560 / T550
● DBR-Z520 / Z510
● D-M470 / M430 ※ 1
● DBR-M590

※ If there is a problem, defined within the period (2014/10/16 current, within 2 hours) after your purchase Google Play please run a refund from this page. You can not later refund.
※ 1: 2014 December 2, software updates of the public is necessary

■ □ ■ □ Product Description □ ■ □ ■
In [remote viewing Compatible models] of the following, the remote viewing function are available from outside the following home.
● the TV programs recorded in the REGZA, to play away from home over the Internet in the Android terminal.

In addition, when connected to the same home network as the home of REGZA, the following functions are available.
● the TV programs recorded in the REGZA, to play on Android devices via the home network.
● a program that is currently being broadcast received by the REGZA, to play on Android devices via the home network.
● the TV programs recorded in the REGZA, to play brought out to download to DiXiM Play for REGZA.

※ You can not connect to the server equipment other than REGZA.

[Remote viewing Compatible models]
● DBR-T660 / T650
● DBR-T670
● DBR-Z620 / Z610
● DBR-T560 / T550
● DBR-Z520 / Z510
● D-M470 / M430 ※ 1
● DBR-M590

※ 1: 2014 December 2, software updates of the public is necessary

[Tested terminal]
The page of the following URL, and me for a list of Android devices that check the operation at our company. Please be sure to check before you buy.

Tested terminal is the information that you guided by its own verification and investigation of our company. Operation in Android devices that are not on the list is not able to confirm. Thank you for your use of the terminal, which is on the list. Also, depending on your usage of your Android terminal, normally connected at the terminal, which is on the list, you may not be able to play.

■ □ ■ □ of remote viewing How to Use □ ■ □ ■
1. To use the remote viewing, pre-connected to the same home network as the REGZA corresponding to the remote viewing (same router equipment) you will need to carry out pairing.

※ expiration date of the pairing is three months. The expiration date will be automatically updated if the object of REGZA is displayed in the server list of DiXiM Play for REGZA connected to the same home network of the home before the expire. Please start DiXiM Play for REGZA periodically connects to the home network. Expiration date will not be able to connect REGZA F from the out-of-home and expires. If this is the case, please be performed again REGZA and pairing.

2. When the pairing is complete, you can access from outside the home to REGZA. Please be REGZA f access to connect to the Internet from a "remote server" the Android terminal in the LTE and Wi-Fi.

※ In order to remote viewing from outside the home to REGZA is, you need to connect a REGZA to the Internet. Method of network settings of REGZA, please refer to the instruction manual of REGZA.

※ REGZA side or the Android terminal side of the communication environment, communication speed, the operating state of the equipment, depending on the performance of Android devices, can not be successfully connected, playback does not start, there is a case where the reproduction is a phenomenon such as is jittery occur.

■ □ ■ □ Notes □ ■ □ ■
● the operation of the terminal, which is published in [Tested terminal] has confirmed, but it does not guarantee the operation.
● inquiries of respect to the operation of the Root turned into a terminal can not be received at all.
● When you wish to use the mobile line (LTE), please pay attention to the upper limit of the packet communication amount set of communication operators.

● customer's use in Android 8.0 or later of the OS, please refer to the following.

[Android 7.1 installed on the previous terminal, customers who update to Android 8.0 or later of the OS]
If the content taken out by using the bring-out function is stored in the storage (built-in memory · SD card), uninstall the app, re-install or terminal initialization
If you do, the stored content will no longer be able to play.

● customer's use in Android 6.0 or later of the OS, please refer to the following.

[Android 5.1 installed on the previous terminal, customers who update to the Android 6.0 or later OS]
If the content taken out by using the bring-out function is stored in the storage (built-in memory · SD card), uninstall the app, and do the re-installation or terminal initialization, the stored content will no longer be able to play.

[Customers newly installed on Android 6.0 or later OS]
If you have stored the content taken out by using the bring-out function in storage (built-in memory · SD card), and make the terminal initialization, the stored content will no longer be able to play.

[Customers using a multi-user with Android 6.0 or later of the OS]
In Android 6.0 and later of the OS, using the bring-out function, you will not be able to play content that was brought out in a different user.

Inquiries regarding this matter thank you to our support.
For the in-me, the inquiry into the Toshiba like Please refrain from.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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