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Download DK-Cyberon Voice Commander Now


Cyberon Voice Commander Danish version
Cyberon Voice Commander(DK) er et program til stemmeopkald og kommandostyring, der giver et naturligt menneskeligt interface, så brugere kan kommunikere problemfrit med mobile enheder. Ved hjælp af Voice Commander kan man foretage telefonopringninger, slå oplysninger om kontaktpersoner op, [starte program,] samt udføre flere funktioner ved hjælp af stemmen uden nogen foregående træning.

Funktioner & fordele:
*Personuafhængig teknologi til talegenkendelse uden behov for træning.
*Håndfri og synsfri kommandostyring med stemmen.
*Brugervenligt interface med tale.

*Genkendelsesnøjagtigheden kan påvirkes af støj i omgivelserne.
*Nøjagtigheden er meget afhængig af lydkvaliteten; forskellige enheder kan have forskellig ydeevne. Nogle enheder (operativsystemer før Android 2.2) understøtter muligvis ikke Bluetooth håndfri. Vær opmærksom på disse forhold vedrørende Cyberon Voice Commander, og kontroller, om din enhed fungerer korrekt.

Hvis der er problemer, kan du annullere dit køb indenfor 15 minutter i henhold til Android Market's politik.

"For aktivering af Bluetooth håndfri funktioner til stemmeopkald, skal du kontrollere følgende ting:
1. Dit headset understøtter Bluetooth håndfri profil.
2. Installer ikke applikationen på SD. Cyberon Voice Commander understøtter indtil videre ikke APP2SD.
3. Genstart din telefon, når du har installeret Cyberon Voice Commander.
4. Genopret parring mellem Bluetooth headset og telefon efter installation af Cyberon Voice Commander, hvis de var parrede."

Det er muligt at få en fuld refundering indenfor 48 timer af købet. For at få en refundering, bedes du venligst sende dit ordrenummer til [email protected].

**** additional information *****
The app could not dial the emergency call.Cyberon Voice Commander Danish version
Cyberon Voice Commander (DK) is a program for voice dialing and command control that provides a natural human interface, so users can communicate seamlessly with mobile devices. Using Voice Commander can make phone calls, look up contact information, [start program] and perform several functions with your voice without any previous training.
Features & Benefits:
* Person Independent speech recognition technology without the need for training.
* Handsfree and synsfri command control by voice.
* User friendly interface with speech.

Please note:
* Recognition accuracy can be affected by environmental noise.
* Accuracy is very dependent on the sound quality; different devices may have different performance. Some devices (operating systems before Android 2.2) may not support Bluetooth hands-free. Pay attention to these aspects of Cyberon Voice Commander and check whether your device is working properly.
If there are problems, you may cancel your purchase within 15 minutes according to Android Market policies.

"To turn Bluetooth handsfree functionality for voice calls, check the following things:
1. Your headset supports Bluetooth handsfree profile.
2. Do not install the application on SD. Cyberon Voice Commander support so far APP2SD.
3. Restart your phone after installing Cyberon Voice Commander.
4. Re-pairing between Bluetooth headset and phone after installing Cyberon Voice Commander, if they were paired. "

It is possible to get a full refund within 48 hours of purchase. To get a refund, please send your order number to [email protected].

**** Additional information *****
The app kan not dial the emergency call.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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