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Download Dompet Manager Pro Now


Dompet manager adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhana yang berguna untuk membantu mencatat, memantau serta mengelola keuangan anda. Dapatkan laporan pengeluaran dan pemasukan anda pada periode tertentu yang anda inginkan.

Unduh aplikasi ini sekarang juga dan nikmati mudah nya mengelola keuangan anda dalam genggaman tangan !

**Versi PRO
-No Advertising
-Unlimited Photo Screenshoot transaksi/nota
- Eport CSV/Excel

**Migrasi database dari free ke PRO
Untuk melakukan migrasi data dari versi free ke PRO, cukup lakukan backup pada versi free, dan kemudian restore pada versi PRO. Setelah itu anda dapat menghapus versi free anda dari device.
Dompet manager adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhana yang berguna untuk membantu mencatat, memantau serta mengelola keuangan anda. Dapatkan laporan pengeluaran dan pemasukan anda pada periode tertentu yang anda inginkan.

Unduh aplikasi ini sekarang juga dan nikmati mudah nya mengelola keuangan anda dalam genggaman tangan !

Fitur-fitur Unggulan :
1. Catat pengeluaran dan pemasukan harian berdasarkan kategori (Makan minum, kesehatan, Belanja, Hadiah/donasi, dll)
2. Fitur Menambahkan photo atau screenshoot nota dan transaksi.
3. Fitur Rencana Pembelanjaan, dan Pengeluaran Berdasar rencana Pembelanjaan.
4. Kustomisasi kategori sesuai kebutuhan tanpa batas.
5. Laporan pengeluaran dan pemasukan anda pada periode tertentu.
6. Grafik kue pengeluaran dan pemasukan anda pada periode tertentu.
7. Menambahkan akun pembukuan anda.
8. Backup dan import data pengeluaran dan pemasukan serta akun pembukuan anda.
9. Fitur Transfer antar akun
10. Fitur Pin/PasswordWallet manager is a simple application that is useful to help you keep track, monitor and manage your finances. Get your report of expenditures and revenues in a given period you want.

Download this app now and enjoy its easy to manage your finances in the hands!

** The PRO version
-No Advertising
Screenshot Photo -unlimited transaction / memorandum
- eport CSV / Excel

** database migration from free to PRO
To migrate the data from the free version to PRO, please do backup in the free version, and then restore the PRO version. After that you can remove your free version of the device.
Wallet manager is a simple application that is useful to help you keep track, monitor and manage your finances. Get your report of expenditures and revenues in a given period you want.

Download this app now and enjoy its easy to manage your finances in the hands!

Features Featured:
1. Record daily expenditures and revenues by category (Eat drink, health, shopping, prizes / donations, etc.)
2. Adding a photo or screenshot feature memorandum and transactions.
3. Features Expenditure Plan and Expenditure Based Spending plan.
4. Customize the categories as needed without limit.
5. Report your expenses and income in certain periods.
6. Graph cake your expenses and income in certain periods.
7. Add your bookkeeping accounts.
8. Backup and import data input and output as well as your bookkeeping accounts.
9. Feature Transfers between accounts
10. Features Pin / Password

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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