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Download Dungeoneers Academy Now


Updated for faster, real-time play. Improved frame rate results in much faster and smoother movement in line with faster rogues and runners. A new real-time combat system allows better control and tuning, but you can still let go of all game controls to pause the action.

Dungeons are redesigned for quicker rogue-like play with a much stronger boss, and his cronies, waiting at the very end. Dungeon layouts, monsters and treasure are all randomized for replayability, and dungeons fill with more monsters as you level up.

You have tons of options. Choose Fighter, Ranger or Wizard. Each requires a different strategy. Also pick Human, Elf, Dwarf or Halfling, as well as gender. Then the Academy Store is always available with a huge selection of armor, weapons and spells to customize your unique hero.

Treasure and experience have been tuned for faster leveling and more equipment purchases to try things out. The Academy has also been shortened to get you into the real world faster.

Missions have also been revamped, but you still have the hero quest to become Hero of the Land. You can use missions to gain coins needed for a purchase, or experience required for the next level. You will also find missions with special equipment rewards.

Now create your hero candidate, graduate with honors, and venture out to beat back the invading horde and their ferocious masters.

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