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Food For Brains
Med opskrifter af Nikolaj Kirk og Mikkel Maarbjerg

Få inspiration til - og forklaring på - hvordan vi spiser bedre med udgangspunkt i, hvad vores hjerne rent faktisk behøver for at udvikles og fungere bedst mulig.

Oprindeligt lavet til familier med børn med hjerneskade, men meget lærerig og brugbar for alle, der vil spise hjerne-sundt og vide hvorfor, det er en god idé.

Hvad er sundt? Hvad skal vi holde os fra? Hvad gør os bedre til det, vi gerne vil være gode til?

Tænk, hvis vi kunne være sikre på at få de helt rigtige næringsstoffer, forblive tynde og i god form og frem for alt undgå at blive syge - alene ved at spise noget bestemt.

Denne app er opdelt i en række måltider fordelt henover dagen og med en række korte forklaringer på, hvorfor nogle stoffer er særlige vigtige for vores hjerne, og hvordan disse stoffer indvirker på hjerne og dens funktion.

Desuden er der en krydsreferencefunktion, så du kan søge på en ingrediens og se hvad der står om den og i hvilke opskrifter, den optræder. Samt et direkte link fra den enkelte ret til den forklarende tekst, der giver viden om indhold i retten sat i forhold til hjernen.

Derudover er der en farvenøgle, der indikerer hvilke retter, der passer godt sammen i løbet af en dag.

Food for Brains er udviklet på Helene Elsass Center, der er et privat forsknings- og udviklingscenter med fokus på træning og læring. Professor Bente Kiens og professor Jens Bo Nielsen, fra Københavns Universitet, har bidraget med viden, ekspertise og sagkyndighed og sikret, at projektet ikke blot er blevet en samling retter fordelt over dagens måltider. Food for Brains er en samling opskrifter baseret på nutidig og betydningsfuld forskning.

Læs den og bliv klogere. Brug den og bliv sundere. Food For Brains
With recipes by Nikolaj Kirk and Mikkel Maarbjerg

Get inspired - and explain - how we eat better based on what our brain actually need to develop and function best.

Originally made for families with children with brain damage, but very instructive and useful for anyone who wants to eat brain healthy and know why it is a good idea.

What is healthy? What should we avoid? What makes us better at what we want to be good at?

Imagine if we could be sure of getting the right nutrients remain thin and in good shape and above all avoid getting sick - only by eating something.

This app is divided into several meals spread over the day and with a series of short explanations why some substances are particularly important to our brain and how these drugs affect the brain and its function.

Furthermore, a cross-reference function, so you can search on an ingredient and see what it says about it and in what recipes it occurs. As well as a direct link from the individual right to the explanatory text that provides knowledge content in court in relation to the brain.

In addition there is a color key that indicates the courts, which fits well in the course of a day.

Food for Brains developed at Helene Elsass Center, a private research and development center focusing on training and learning. Professor Bente Kiens and Professor Jens Bo Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, have contributed knowledge, expertise and expertise and ensured that the project has become not only a collection of dishes spread over the day's meals. Food for Brains is a collection of recipes based on contemporary and important research.

Read on and learn more. Use it and be healthier.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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