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Download For Rent: Haunted House Now


In “For Rent: Haunted House," it's your job to rent out a haunted house before your tyrannical boss has you fired.

It's an interactive novel, where your choices determine how the story proceeds. For example, when your tenants, who haven't slept in days due to bone-chilling whispers emanating from the walls, ask to break their lease, do you:

A) Let them transfer their lease to another property?
B) Allow them to break the lease, but keep their security deposit?
C) Insist on sticking to the terms of the lease?
D) Boldly investigate, like all the victims in bad horror films?

How will you screw over your tenants? Will you ignore inconvenient supernatural phenomena, or use them to drum up publicity? How will you deal with ghost hunters, squatters, and celebrity tenants? Will you emerge as the top agent? Stage an office coup? Or will you become a permanent resident of 57 Crowther Terrace?

(This game used to be called "Eerie Estate Agent," before we changed the name.)

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