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Lær at heale dig selv – med skøn hypnose
Healinghypnosen er lavet til dig, der gerne vil guides til en naturlig healing af dig selv. Hypnosen med healing giver dig en tiltrængt pause fra hverdagen og tid til at finde roen igen. Healing er en meget personlig ting, og noget som du kan sætte dig til, præcis når du trænger til det.

Hvad får du i Hypnosen til healing?
Du bliver guidet igennem en dejlig meditation og påbegynder healingen, når du er kommet dybt ned i en trancelignende tilstand.

Du får hjælp til at slappe af og heale kroppen fra top til tå. Dine tanker bliver blødt op, du finder nuet og får lov at skubbe alt, der er ubehageligt, fra dig og tage det tilbage, som du føler støtter dig og hjælper dig. Lad hypnosen og ordene guide dig tilbage til din egen vibration og i en fantastisk balance, som du måske kun sjældent har følt

Hypnose er helt ufarligt og kan ikke overdoseres – og’s hypnoseprogrammer er lavet, så du kan bruge dem præcis NÅR DU TRÆNGER TIL DET. Lyt til hypnosen, når du har ondt, når du er træt, når du ikke har noget overskud – eller bare når du har brug for at få ro på og ønsker at finde og mærke dig selv igen.

Find balancen og vend alle de negative energier og dårlige minder til ny glæde, overskud og følelsen af god energi.

Heal dig selv i dag – køb hypnosen til selv-healing her og lyt med det samme Learn to heal yourself - with estimates hypnosis
Healinghypnosen is made for you who would like to guides to naturally heal yourself. Hypnosis healing gives you a much needed break from everyday life and time to find peace again. Healing is a very personal thing and something that you can put you exactly when you need it.

What you get in hypnosis for healing?
You will be guided through a lovely meditation and begin the healing, once you get deep into a trance-like state.

It helps you to relax and heal the body from head to toe. Your thoughts are soaked up, you will find the moment and will be allowed to push all that is unpleasant, from you and take it back, you feel support you and help you. Let hypnosis and words guide you back to your own vibration and a great balance that you may rarely have felt

Hypnosis is completely safe and can not overdose - and's hypnosis programs are made so you can use them exactly WHEN YOU NEED IT. Listen to hypnosis when you hurt when you are tired, when you have no profit - or just when you need to have peace and want to find and mark yourself again.

Find the balance sheet and turn all the negative energies and bad memories to new joy, energy and sense of good energy.

Heal yourself today - buy hypnosis for self-healing here and listen instantly

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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