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Download How To Kill Japanese Knotweed Now


Don’t pay thousands of pounds, pay £11.99 for the app and less than £30 on equipment.Find out how to kill Japanese Knotweed yourself at a fraction of the cost of hiring professionals.

Most people are afraid to tackle the problem by themselves, as there is so much conflicting information on the web, coupled with the scare stories about people’s houses being made worthless because of knotweed. Or there are those that are too gung ho and get stuck in without knowing how to do the job properly. This often results in making the matter worse. The people who are in the business of killing knotweed are not going to tell you their methods, but I am. There is some good advice out there but not all in one place, and how do you tell which bits are good and which are just plain wrong? Meanwhile the rules are changing. There were very good herbicides that worked brilliantly against knotweed and were only available to professionals but they are now banned. Now the pros only have the same weapons as you do but the trick is all about timing and precision. My app or booklet lays this out in an easy to follow simple method that is tried and tested both here and in the United States.

I am going to tell you how to kill this plant as cheaply as possible and with as much effectiveness as an outfit that will charge you 250 times the price of this app. I am not going to waste yours and my time by waffling on about the problems japanese knotweed causes or the history of how it got to Europe etc. I am going to tell you how to kill it. What I cannot do is tell you that these secrets of the industry will solve your problem quickly. Sometimes one treatment works but sometimes it can take three years. Each infestation is different, how long has it been there, how many stems, the type of soil, exposure to sun etc. Do not divert from the advice given and you will win the battle. All instructions, especially of measurements of chemical to water are precise…. Adhere to them. Timing of treatment is crucial, so do not be tempted to try and hurry the process along by applying the herbicide early or late. In plain English, STICK TO THE PLAN that I will give you, it works.

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