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Download iPray BCP Now


The iPray app was developed by users of the traditional Book of Common Prayer who desired an easy-to-use application of prayer book worship. iPray simplifies negotiating Scripture readings and the appropriate daily prayers following the liturgical calendar of the church, including feasts and fasts, into one, easy-to-understand application. The app was designed with the user in mind, placing the day's lessons at the user's fingertips. Four daily prayer offices are brought to you based on the liturgical calendar and the time of day: Morning Prayer, Midday Prayers, Evening Prayer and Compline.

Morning and Evening Prayer are from the English 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
Midday Prayers and Compline are from the Canadian 1962 Book of Common Prayer.
Daily scripture readings are from the 1922 lectionary revision of the English Prayer Book, and are in the Authorized (King James) Version.
The Psalter is the beautiful and memorable Coverdale translation.

For those who are unaccustomed to this kind of spiritual discipline, the iPray app provides an easy introduction to structured daily prayer and Bible reading, based on the ancient practice of the Church as refined by the English Reformation. Download this app and enjoy the rich heritage of daily devotion from the Book of Common Prayer.

Our thanks to the Anglican Foundation of All Souls' Church of Oklahoma City and David Hill for their support in the development of this app.

For introduction videos and more, check out our YouTube page

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