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Download KINGSOFT Mobile Security Plus Now


KINGSOFT Mobile Security Plusは、あなたのAndroid(アンドロイド)端末に悪意のあるアプリをインストールしてしまうリスクなどから保護する、Android版セキュリティソフトです。











Android OS 5.1以上はAndroidの仕様により、アプリロックの場合は「仕様履歴にアクセスできるアプリ」、プライベートフォルダのミュートの場合は、「通知へのアクセス」への許可が必要となります。ポップアップの案内通り設定いただかないとこれらの機能は正常に動作いたしませんので、ご注意ください。
Android OS 6.0以上の場合は、クリーナー機能、プロセス管理は利用できません■ Android version of security software
KINGSOFT Mobile Security Plus is protected from risk to your Android (Android) terminal would install a malicious app, an Android version of security software.

■ main function
● "anti-virus"
It scans the installed apps, and detects a malicious app.
By a cloud scan, you always get the latest information on the Internet, rest assured that can detect the latest virus app.
Make application monitored by virus scan at the time of installation, we will monitor the security.

● anti-theft
When it is stolen or lost the terminal, by remote control, the "screen lock" to the terminal, "Data Delete", it can be sent by SMS commands such as "position confirmation".
By any chance, lost, by sending a command even in the theft, in addition to protect the information over the lock to the terminal, you can display the location of the terminal on the map.

● "cleaner"
"Process" and unnecessary "cache file" of the app, you can clear such as "search history" such as a browser with one-tap. Memory cleared by clearing the process, will be possible to improve the operation feeling of the terminal.

● "block list"
In the black list or white list, you can perform finely incoming · SMS of denial / permission settings from a particular number.
In addition, by setting the night mode, it is also possible to strengthen the security make another set only a certain time.

● "packet checker"
Set the month of packet traffic, to notify before usage over.
You can prevent the overuse of the packet amount of overseas travel.
Because it is also displayed in the notification area, you can see the current usage at a glance.

● "Private Folder"
The password setting, to protect the personal private information (name, phone number), to prevent the viewing of a third party. Information registered in the private folder is not displayed in the history of the body, it will be displayed only in a private folder.

● "Process Management"
Check the process and memory usage of running, you can quit the process. In some cases, such as insufficient memory, by completing the process, you can open the memory.

● "application management"
To display the apps that are installed on the Android device, unwanted app can be easily uninstall.

● "application lock"
Other people will be able to protect the app with a password so that it does not use the app.
A photo of the person who entered the wrong password shot, can be displayed at the time of application start.

● "Privacy Management"
You can be any app to make sure that you have what kind of authority.
It moved from the application name to the application details screen, you can and uninstall apps.

By Android OS 5.1 or higher Android of the specification, in the case of application lock in the case of mute "application that can access the specification history", a private folder, you will need permission to "access to the notification." Since these capabilities without imperative set guide as the pop-up will not work correctly, please note.
In the case of Android OS 6.0 or higher, cleaner function, process management is not available

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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