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According to Harvard Medical School study when stimulate brain waves to gamma 40hz in REM sleep state
We are available Lucid Dreaming.

This app checks REM sleep, to induce brain wave to 40HZ
Lucid Dreaming was successful.

*** Features ***

* Brain wave stimulation to induce Lucid Dreaming
* REM sleep state check
* Induced in the brain wave into five types 40hz
* Sleep pattern analysis and recording
* Note dreams, sleep evaluation function
* Lucid Dreaming alarm function

[Guardian. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, 40 Hz ─2014.05]

Lucid dreaming can be induced by electric scalp stimulation, study finds

Scientists discover that use of electric currents can influence sleepers' brains, potentially allowing them to control their dreams

Scientists have discovered that it is possible to induce lucid dreaming in sleepers by applying mild electrical currents to their scalps, a study says.

Lucid dreaming is when a sleeper recognises they are dreaming and may even be able to manipulate the dream's plot and control their behaviour.

The study involved 27 volunteers, none of whom had experienced lucid dreaming before. The researchers waited until the volunteers were experiencing uninterrupted REM sleep before applying electrical stimulation to the frontal and temporal positions of the volunteers' scalps.

The applied stimulation had a variety of frequencies between two and 100Hz, but neither the experimenter nor the volunteer was informed which frequency was used, or whether a current was applied. Five to 10 seconds later the volunteers were roused from their sleep and asked to report on their dreams. Brain activity was monitored continuously throughout the experiment.

The results showed that stimulation at 40Hz resulted in an increase in brain activity of around the same frequency in the frontal and temporal areas. A similar, but smaller effect was observed at 25Hz. They also found that such stimulation often, but not always, induced an increased level of lucidity in the dreams of sleepers. At higher or lower frequencies, or when no current was applied, no change in brain activity was observed.

[Nature. 77%, 58%, 0% ─2014.05]

The researchers found that applying electrical current in the gamma band at 40 Hz induced lucid dreaming in 77% of subjects. At 25 Hz, 58% of subjects experienced lucid dreams. No other frequencies yielded significant levels of lucid dreaming.

2 Hz = 0%

6 Hz = 0%

12 Hz = 5.6%

25 Hz = 57.6%

40 Hz = 77.3%

70 Hz = 14.3%

100 Hz = 11.1%

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