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What is the Moon Sign?

Most people know their "star sign", but it's not the same. In fact, "star sign" is a misnamed Sun Sign, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was located at the moment of a person's birth. Sun Sign is an important astrological characteristic, and in most cases it can be easily figured out from one's date of birth. Most probably, you already know what is your Sign of the Zodiac. That's your Sun Sign.

Now, here is a surprise for you: you also have a Moon Sign which is not less important than the Sun Sign, and in certain cases can be even more important. Typically, your Moon Sign is different from your Sun Sign, but for some people they can be the same. Astronomically, Moon Sign is the Sign of the Zodiac where the Moon was located at the moment of your birth.

So why nobody knows their Moon Sign? That's because you can't easily figure it out from the date of birth, like you can do with the Sun Sign. It takes some complex astronomical calculations to find out one's Moon Sign.

Fortunately, this app is more than happy to do for you all the complex calculations in a split of a second, just tell it the date and time of birth, as well as the location where the person was born. If the time of birth is unknown, the app will either tell you that the Moon Sign is certain anyway, as the Moon remained in the same sign on the date of birth, or it will inform you which two signs are possible candidates, and which part of the day belongs to each of them. You can then decide which of the signs is the most appropriate by reading their descriptions.

The new version of the app offers a new user interface where all the records you’ve saved are sorted and grouped by the Moon Sign.

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