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Download Nordiske fjell Now


OBS: Appen "Nordiske fjell" vil ikke lenger bli oppdatert. Det anbefales at du heller installerer den nye appen Europeisk fjellkompass (European Hinking Compass). Det er en selvstending app som både dekker nordiske fjell og hele resten av Europa. Den har også mer oppdaterte data. Du kan laste ned Europeisk fjellkompass her:

"Nordiske fjell" fungerer ikke med alle enheter, og vill etter hvert bli tatt bort fra Google Play.


Dette er en tilleggspakke for Norsk fjellkompass. Her får du data for Danmark, Finland, Island og Sverige. Dataene kan lastes inn i Norsk fjellkompass, og du kan dermed se kart og kompass over toppene i disse landa på samme måte som du kan for Norge. Dataene lastes inn i Norsk fjellkompass ved å velge "Utvalg" i menyen. Du vil da se et valg for "Nordiske fjell".

Merk at "Nordiske fjell" ikke er en selvstendig app. Den krever at du har Norsk fjellkompass versjon 3.2 eller nyere installert. Du kan laste ned Norsk fjellkompass her:
Appen krever også at du har ei tilgjengelig ekstern lagring (f.eks. minnekort) som dataene kan mellomlagres på.

Dataene i denne appen kommer kun fra navnedatabasen Noen topper har derfor ganske unøyaktig angitt posisjon, og de fleste har ikke angitt høyde. Per nå er det også kun data for åser og fjell i denne appen. Data for andre steder kommer kanskje etter hvert. Note: The app "Nordic mountain" will no longer be updated. It is recommended that you also install the new app European mountain compass (European hinking Compass). It is a self stending app covering both Nordic mountains and throughout the rest of Europe. It also has more updated data. You can download European mountain compass here:

"Nordic mountain" does not work with all devices, and wild eventually be removed from Google Play.


This is an optional package for Norwegian mountain compass. Here you will get data for Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden. The data can be loaded into Norwegian mountain compass, and you can then view maps and compass over the tops of these countries in the same way as you can for Norway. The data loaded into Norwegian mountain compass by selecting "Selection" in the menu. You will see a choice for "Nordic mountain".

Note that "Nordic mountain" is not an independent app. It requires Norwegian mountain compass version 3.2 or later installed. You can download the Norwegian mountain compass here:
The app also requires that you have an available external storage (eg. Memory card) to which the data can be cached on.

The data in this app only comes from the name database Some tops have therefore quite inaccurate specified position, and most have not entered height. As of now, it is also only data of hills and mountains of this app. Data elsewhere might come along.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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