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Download Notes Rilievo Porte Interne Now


RILEVO PORTE INTERNE; E' un Notes che ti permette di annotare le misure di Porte Interne e Porte in Vetro.

VERSIONE LITE di: "Notes Rilievo Porte e Finestre"


Una scheda con i dati del Cliente,

Un Foglio di Rilievo misure per Porte Interne dettagliato con; Posizione, Cliente, Data, Larghezza, Altezza, Spessore muro e Senso di apertura, Tipologia Porta, Tipologia Rilievo e Ubicazione della porta misurata,

Un Foglio di visualizzazione dei rilievi effettuati (Condivisibile via email)

Un Foglio per la pulizia dei Database

Un Foglio Informazioni

Un Foglio di Richiesta assistenza.

Cliccando sul pulsante "Avanti" della scheda clienti o "Inserisci Posizione" della scheda rilievi, i dati imputati verranno salvati in un database e verrà creato un file .txt nella scheda SD o nella memoria del telefono condivisibile via mail o scaricabile sul tuo PC, avendo così il rilievo in formato elettronico.
Mi auguro vivamente che questa applicazione possa semplificare il tuo lavoro.

Se avete la necessità di rilevare solo Finestre in legno, solo Finestre in PVC o solo Avvolgibili, acquistate le relative app singole che trovate nel mio account.

Buon lavoro....

TAGS: Rilievo misure, Rilievo misure porte, Rilievo misure Finestre in Legno, Rilievo misure Finestre in PVC, Rilievo misure Finestre in Alluminio, Porte interne, Porte interne in legno, Porte interne in laminato, Porte in vetro, Finestre in PVC, Infissi in PVC, Serramenti in PVC, Finestre in legno, Infissi in Legno, Serramenti in legno, Serramenti in Legno-Alluminio, Rilievo misure Avvolgibili, Rilievo misure tapparelle, Rilevare misure di persiane avvolgibili. I note DOORS; It 'a Notes allows you to note down the measurements of Interior Doors and glass doors.

LITE VERSION of "Sticky Notes Doors and Windows"

It Contains;

A card with the data of the customer,

A sheet of relief measures for Interior Doors with detailed; Location, customer, date, width, height, wall thickness and direction of opening, Sleeve Type, Type and Location Survey measured the door,

A sheet of display of its photographs (Shareable email)

A cleaning sheet of the Database

A Sheet Information

A sheet request assistance.

By clicking the "Next" card customers or "Insert Position" tab of reliefs, the imputed data are saved in a database and create a .txt file in the SD card or in the phone memory shared by mail or can be downloaded on your PC, thus having the survey electronically.
I very much hope that this app can make your job easier.

If you need to detect only wooden windows, only PVC windows or just blinds, purchased their single app that you find in my account.

Good job....

TAGS: Relief measures, Relief measures doors, windows Relief measures in Wood Relief measures PVC windows, relief measures in Aluminium windows, interior doors, wood interior doors, interior doors laminated glass doors, PVC windows, joinery PVC, PVC joinery, Windows, wood, joinery wood, Wood fixtures, doors and windows Wood-aluminum, Relief measures blinds, shutters relief measures, measures to detect shutters.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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