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Compulsive skin picking can seem entirely outside of your control. You know you should stop, and you want to stop, but then you catch yourself picking your skin again! The urge feels almost addictive but of course the results make life miserable.

So how can you stop compulsive skin picking without having to think about it every minute of the day?

The symptoms and causes of compulsive skin picking

For most sufferers, skin picking consists of repetitive picking of the face, lips, scalp, hands or arms. And skin picking can take different forms. Maybe you habitually pick at lesions and sores. Perhaps you scratch or squeeze otherwise healthy skin. You may harm your skin using your fingernails or teeth, or even use pins or tweezers.

Many sufferers report a feeling of tension just before the picking begins. This build up of stress coupled with the expectation to pick can feel overwhelming. Starting picking usually creates a sense of relief or even a feeling of pleasure as tension rapidly decreases.

This short-term gain pales into insignificance compared to the long-term pain

The trouble is that skin picking often causes great distress, pain and other difficulties. You may have felt embarrassed, even ashamed of the results of your skin picking - open sores, infection and scarring can result.

The skin picking habit needs unconscious intervention

Consciously you don't want to pick your skin, but it can be very difficult to stop as it develops into a habit maintained by your unconscious mind

Using hypnosis, skin picking can simply stop being a habit. It is the quickest and most powerful way to modify unconscious processes.

Imagine a life free of compulsive skin picking; your skin healthy and whole. Like the cracked ground of a drought stricken land with the right nutrition and moisture in the land your skin will recover and thrive.

Download Stop Skin Picking now and give the skin that protects you a chance to do its job.

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