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Download Sleep – Early Bed Now


How many times have you promised yourself an early night only to put off going to bed? Then, even if you sleep well, there just aren't enough hours in the night to get enough sleep. And we know that too little sleep makes us grouchy, more likely to become sick as sleep deprivation impairs immunity, less able to concentrate and lowers IQ.

To procrastinate about getting to bed, you may have found yourself channel surfing or surfacing the internet. Maybe you stay up for 'one more drink' or just 'do nothing' until you realize how late it is again.

Perhaps you fall asleep on the couch and then have to 'get up again' in order to go to bed. This, of course, disrupts proper rest and spoils the quality of your sleep.

The early bed habit can transform your life

Getting to bed early (or at least earlier) means more rest and so more energy, brain power and mood stability. It means you'll be better able to enjoy life, but also pursue your goals. You'll be able to relate better to others, and you'll be able to think more clearly.

What this session is for

This session is designed to stop you wasting time and procrastinating when you need to be getting an earlier night. Hypnosis is the most powerful tool to change unhelpful patterns into positive habits and you will find that going to bed early quickly becomes a pleasant habit you'll never want to change.

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