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New functions on version 2.1.
SlimStory version 2 (or above) includes Recipes, Sports and Tips to support your slim plan. SlimStory works as a private weight-loss coach and helps you lose weight easily.

To lose weight healthily, careful planning and follow-up is the secret to successful weight loss. You must know your daily calorie needs and a rough estimate as to when you will be able to reach your ideal weight. Then, you track and record how many calories you eat and burn each day. In a long term weight plan, you might change it for different reasons. You might adjust the calories up or down depending on how fast you lose weight. Sticking with the same routine for too long can make you change the plan. However, do you forget how much you have done? Do you hate the mathematical part of counting calories? What are your BMI(Body Mass Index), LBM(Lean Body Mass), EER(Estimated Energy Requirement), BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate), TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure), and RMR(Resting Metabolic Rate)?
SlimStory has some functions to fulfill.
• To determine daily caloric requirements. The lack of measurable goals of daily calorie needs creates uncertainty and it leads to failure before to even begin. Before a weight plan, SlimStory provides the most common formulas for calculating the daily caloric requirement that can vary greatly depending on lifestyle and other factors. Different options of formulas enable you to find the closest answer to the real number.
• To track daily calories and health data. SlimStory is a diary application that can document your day-to-day calories intake and weight change. You can also use SlimStory to save other integer data which may not relate to the weight plan but to health.
• To calculate and generate daily calorie reports. SlimStory is a calorie calculator which estimates the number of calories intake and consumed during daily living. After calorie data is input, you can get a daily calorie summary in Calendar.
• To be a handy calendar and reminder application. The calendar with alarm reminder allows you to store information about the weight plan and future events.
• To calculate, represent and improve the result of a weight plan. After the daily caloric data and health data are kept updated, the total of calorie data can be added and the line chart of daily data can be drawn. Line charts show a clearer trend of your behavior which helps you to learn from the past and to improve your future plan and health.
SlimStory is a useful and portable tool of your health management, weight management, task management, and calorie management.

Privacy Policy: SlimStory does NOT collect any of your information.
Note: Please email us with any bugs, problems or advices.

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