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Download Structural Calculation of Beams PRO Now


Analysis and structural calculation of beams under point loads, distributed loads and moments, with the following characteristics:
- Combinations of supports: recessed, articulated and sliding.
- Supports point loads, evenly distributed loads, triangular loads, trapezoidal loads and moments. All of them in any position and quantity.
- No ads.
- No need for an internet connection.
- Emergent aids in complex points.
- It allows the verification of the elastic regime indicating whether it enters into breakage or plasticity or the index of use of the beam in those conditions.
- Possibility of exporting all the results to a text file.
- It allows the realization of comparative studies in an automatic and massive way. Types:
a) Comparative table for different materials with the same supports and loads.
b) Comparative table for different profiles of a family with the same supports and loads.
c) Comparative table for different materials with the same supports and loads but within a range of defined arrows.
d) Comparative table for different profiles with the same supports and loads but within a defined range of arrows.
e) Comparative table for different supports of the beam with the same material, profile and loads.
In all of them the maximum and minimum total arrow values ​​are indicated and export to a text file is possible.
- Guided calculation examples for both one load and multiple loads.
- Numerical results in extremes, intermediate and maximum key points and in a specific position chosen by the user.
- Diagrams of loads (forces and moments), shear, bending, turns and arrows.
- 9 languages ​​available: Spanish, English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic and Chinese.
- Indication of the degree of hyperstaticity of the beam depending on the supports.
- Predefined data tables of:
a) Most used materials. Young's moduli and allowable limit stresses.
b) Most used commercial profiles. Moments of inertia, both vertical (Y axis) and horizontal (Z axis):
IPN, IPE, HEB, HEA, HEM, UPN, L, LD, T, Round, Square, Hollow Round, Hollow Square, Hollow Rectangular, Shaped Profiles (L, LD, U, Omega, C, Z).
c) Safety coefficients for permissible limit stress of typical materials.

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