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Download Travel To Isfahan Now


If you want to travel to Isfahan,this app is for you.
This app is a comprehensive encyclopaedia about Isfahan main sights and attractions.On each page you will find a complete explanation about each of attractions.At the bottom of each page you find useful links including the map(and direction) and more images of that attraction also,you can send your pictures and your idea right there.

More than that you can find a list of best Isfahan hotels, Traditional hotels, restaurants ,traditional restaurants, Fastfoods and exchanges.There are link on each page to find them on the map,call them,reserve room,email them and again you can send your picture and idea right on the page.

If you don't want to travel to Isfahan again this app is for you!
Just by looking on a few pages you will find a complete package of information about each attraction and by looking at the picture you are on a virtual tour of Isfahan.

- An introduction about Isfahan
- A complete History of Isfahan
- Explanation about Isfahan geography including Zayande Rood river, Sofe mountain and Qanats
- A complete explanation about Isfahan main sights including Mosques, Bridges, Palaces, Naghse Jahan Square, Grand Bazaar,Chahar Bagh Street,Minarets, Churches,Old Houses, Museums,Pigeon Towers,Gardens,Aquarium and Synagogues.
- On each main attraction page you there are links to find it on the map,more images of that place and also links to share your pictures and Ideas.
- A list of Best Hotels in Isfahan link to the pages with link to find them on the map,call hotel,reserve a room or email to hotels.
- A list of best Traditional hotel in Isfahan.Old houses that have been refurbished now and change to a hotel to give their guest an experience if being in a house which is about 400 years old. Again each page has to find them on the map,call hotel,reserve a room or email to hotels.
- A list of best Isfahan restaurants link to their page with links to find them on the map,call resturant.
- A list of best Isfahan traditional restaurants link to their page with links to find them on the map,call resturant.Like the traditional hotel,these restaurants have a traditional atmosphere and also serve traditional Isfahanian foods.
- A list of best fast food in Isfahan
- A list of exchanges in Isfahan
- A Map page to search nearby where ever you are
- Separate maps that show main attractions, hotels, traditional hotels, restaurants, traditional restaurants, Fast food and exchanges on the map.
- Search page to find any word in the app
- Direct link for sharing the app,write your idea about app
- Direct link to Facebook, twitter,flicker and youtube.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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