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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Description of characteristic
Chapter 2: Characteristic features of the planets and the matters
Chapter 3: Divisions of a sign
Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Panchamsa, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dasmainsa, Dwadasauisa, Shodasamsa and Shastyamsa -- Saptavargas consisting of vargas after omitting Dasmamsa, Shastyamsa and Shodasamsa -- Shadvargas -
Chapter 4: The strength of planets and houses
Chapter 5: Source of livelihood , Profession , Career Astrology
Chapter 6: Yogas
Panchamahapurusha yogas viz., Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hansa, Malavya and Sasa. — Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara -Kemadruma - Papavasl and Papakartarl - Amala - Ma¬habhagya » Kesari - Sakata - Adhama, Satna and Varlshta -- Vasumatl — Pushkala -- Shubhamala and Ashubhamala -- Lakshml -- Gouri -- Saraswatl -- Srikanta - Srinatha -- Varunchi — Parivartana, Kahala — Raja yoga — Sankhya yogas viz. Veena, Dama, Pasa, Kedara, Sula, Yoga, and Gola — Adhiyoga -- Chamar, Dhenu, Saurya, Jaladhi. Chhatra, Astra, Kama, Asura, Bhagya, Khyatl, Partjata and Musala yogas -- Avayoga, Nisswayoga. Mriti yoga, Kuhu yoga, Sarla yoga, Nlrbhagya yoga, Duryoga, Dartdrayoga and Vimala yoga.

Chapter 7: Raja yogas
Description of various planetary combinations.
Chapter 8: Effect of the Sun and other planets In the twelve houses.
Chapter 9: Effect of different Ascendants signs
Chapter 10: Matters relating to the 7th house
Planetary dispositions for marriage , Timing of marriage a chaste, fortunate and beautiful wife, a crippled wife, cheating, multiple marriages, Polygamy, time of marriage.
Chapter 11: Female Horoscope
Peculiarities of female’s horoscope -- planetary combination for a good husband and sons, masculine featured and sons, masculine featured and uncontrollable woman — planetary combination for widowhood, diseased womb, lack of chastity, becoming a prostitute, being chaste, happiness - Circumstances favorable for conception.
Chapter 12: Birth of children (the 5th house)
Planetary combinations for acquisition of children childlessness, loss of children, limited progeny, having a child late In life, having a son from the second wife, extinction of family, having a son by adoption, male and female children, number of Issues and having children with great efforts
Chapter 13: Determination of longevity Essentials at the time of birth
Chapter 14: Diseases, death and past and future births
Chapter 15: Assessment of houses
Chapter 16: General effects of the twelve houses
Chapter 17: Exit from the world
Chapter 18: Effects of conjunction of two planets
Chapter 19: Dasas (major periods) of planets and their effects
Chapter 20: Effects of the Dasas of the lords of houses
Chapter 21: Nature of Antar Dasas and Pratyantar Dasas
Effects of the Antar Dasas of the nine planets during the Dasas of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus.
Ch 22: Kalachakra Dasa
Ch 23: Ashtakavarga
Ch 24 Effects of Ashtakavarga according to Horosara
Ch 25: Gullka and other Upagrahas
Ch 26: Effects of transits of various planets and constellations (Nakshatras)
Ch 27: Yogas leading to asceticism
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