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Download Vet Nurse Quick Reference Now


A quick reference guide for veterinary nurse professionals. Contains a comprehensive reference of parameters and ranges for small and common household pets. A perfect pocket companion for vets and vet nurses / vet technicians on the go.


✔ Quick animal references/parameters for 20 common surgery pets (includes dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, ferrets, hamsters, rats, chinchillas, mice, equine/horses, goats, sugar gliders, bearded dragons, tortoises, snakes, frogs/toads, parrots, chickens and pigs), tailored to the needs of veterinary nurses.
✔ List of animal affecting diseases, definitions and symptoms.
✔ Animal haematology and biochemistry ranges and parameters.
✔ Veterinary drug formulary list containing 6000+ reference notes.
✔ Calculation and conversion tools for animal gas/liquid flow rates, blood transfusion, K+ infusion, phlebotomy, body surface area measurement, blood volume, calorie requirements, chocolate/coffee toxicity, bpm, weight and temperatures.
✔ Per animal note taking facility for logging quick notes.
✔ Glossary of terms and definitions for 300+ veterinary terms.

▶ Language is English only.

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