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Title: Fada'il al-Khamsah min al-SiHaH al-Sittah Volume 1
Author: Murtada al-Husayni al-Yazdi al-Fayruz'abadi
Project Supervisor: Translation Unit, Cultural Affairs Department / The Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly (ABWA)
Translator: Badr Shahin
Editor: Iffat Shah
Proofreader: Abu-Muntazar Shahin
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
First Printing: 2015
All rights reserved.

The Ever Adultery-Free Lineage of the Holy Prophet MuHammad——19
The Holy Prophet is the best of all people in ethnic group, tribe, family, lineage, and pedigree——21
The Holy Prophet MuHammad was appointed as prophet while Adam’s soul was not yet breathed into his body——24
Birth of the Holy Prophet——25
Bodily Features of the Holy Prophet——27
Features of the Holy Prophet as mentioned in the Torah and the Evangel—29
Guidance of the Holy Prophet is the best guidance——31
The Names of the Holy Prophet——33
The inscription on the stone of the Holy Prophet’s ring——35
The Holy Prophet’s stately appearance and shining face——36
The Holy Prophet was sweet-smelling, soft to the touch, and walking gently; his sweat was sweet-scented; and his excrement was immediately concealed by the earth——39
People used to seek blessings from the Holy Prophet’s ablution water, saliva, and hairs——42
The Holy Prophet placed the Black Stone of the Holy Ka‛bah where it is now——44
Signs of the Holy Prophet’s prophethood before and after his Divine Mission——46
Rabbis, monks and others testify to the prophethood of the Holy Prophet before and after receiving the Divine Mission——54
The Holy Prophet was chosen from the best generation of all human generations, and the Jinn were driven away when he was sent as prophet—68
The king of Abyssinia, al-Najashi, believes in the Holy Prophet after receiving his delegation——69
The Holy Prophet being the chief of the children of Adam, the beloved of Allah, the best of all human beings, the most intimate friend of Allah, the most beloved by Allah, and the most honored in the view of Allah——71
The Holy Prophet being given exclusively five features that none before him was given their like and being preferred to all prophets through six other features——75
The Holy Prophet; the chief and leader of all prophets and they all believe in him——78
The Holy Prophet; the most followed of all prophets——80
The prophets were finalized by the Holy Prophet MuHammad——81
The Prophet can see from behind his backside and can see in darkness——82
Satan cannot present himself in the image of the Holy Prophet——84
The Holy Prophet being provided with food and drink by his Lord——85
Miracles of the Holy Prophet concerning the water of ritual ablution——87
Miracles of the Holy Prophet concerning water and drinking——90
Miracles of the Holy Prophet concerning food——96
Miracles of the Holy Prophet concerning the trunk in the Mosque——105
The miraculous splitting apart of the moon for the Holy Prophet——107
Miraculous deeds of the Holy Prophet on miscellaneous occasions——109
‛Utbah ibn Rabi‛ah’s testimony to the Holy Qur'an being neither poetry, nor magic, nor baseless prediction——124
The Holy Prophet’s prayers for rainwater——127
Miscellaneous responded prayers of the Holy Prophet——130
The Knowledge of the Holy Prophet——132
Some prophecies of the Holy Prophet——135
Cleaving the Holy Prophet’s chest——145
The beginning and the method of the Holy Prophet receiving the Divine Revelation——151
The Holy Prophet’s Night Ascension to the Heavens——153
Love for the Holy Prophet——159
Generosity of the Holy Prophet——161
The Holy Prophet’s courage and desire for martyrdom, and the Archangels Gabriel and Michael fighting in defense of him——164
Morality of the Holy Prophet——167
Modesty of the Holy Prophet——179
Abu-Sufyan the polytheist confirms to Hercules the Roman Emperor that the Holy Prophet MuHammad never tells lies——180

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