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Kuis Simulasi Uji Teori Sim C, Sim A
Versi 1.0 Donasi (Pro)

Note : Jika ada yang ingin membantu untuk koreksi soal dan jawaban email ke [email protected]

Koreksi soal dan jawaban yang dikirimkan akan sangat membantu untuk perbaikan dan penggunaan aplikasi ini untuk pembelajaran bersama. :)

Media pembelajaran dengan model aplikasi yang berbentuk game kuis.
(Kisi-kisi Ujian Teori Sim)

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Diharapkan untuk mendownload aplikasi versi gratis terlebih dahulu, untuk penyesuaian dan kecocokan pada device/smartphone masing - masing user(pengguna).

Berbagi pengetahuan : Mengenal YBJ (Yellow Box Junction)

Jika melintasi persimpangan Traffic Light depan Sarinah Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat, akan terlihat suatu bujur sangkar atau persegi panjang berwarna kuning berukuran besar tergambar di aspal. Banyak pengguna jalan yang bertanya-tanya fungsi kotak kuning tersebut.

Kotak tersebut disebut Yellow Box Junction (YBJ). YBJ adalah marka jalan yang bertujuan mencegah kepadatan lalu lintas di jalur dan berakibat pada tersendatnya arus kendaraan di jalur lain yang tidak padat. Dengan YBJ, diharapkan kepadatan di persimpangan tidak terkunci.

Yellow Box Junction sangat berguna di persimpangan-persimpangan jalan yang padat, pada jalan-jalan utama serta saat waktu puncak kepadatan lalu lintas. Banyak pengguna kendaraan bermotor tetap menerobos lampu (traffic light) merah, saat antrean kendaraan di depannya belum terurai. Adanya YBJ ini walaupun lampu traffic light sudah hijau pengguna jalan yang belum masuk YBJ harus berhenti ketika ada kendaraan lain di dalam YBJ. Mereka baru bisa maju jika kendaraan di dalam YBJ sudah keluar.

Bagi pengendara yang tetap memaksa memasukkan kendaraannya ke dalam YBJ, padahal masih ada kendaraan lain di dalamnya, maka akan di tilang, ini sama saja melanggar marka jalan.

Yellow Box Junction akan berfungsi maksimal jika ada kesadaran dari pengguna jalan. Sebab kesadaran warga juga kunci utama kelancaran lalu lintas. Jadi jika pengendara melihat jalur di depan tersendat, sebaiknya tidak memaksa masuk ke YBJ walaupun lampu masih hijau. Sehingga ketika jalur lain hijau, tidak akan terjadi tersendatnya arus lalu lintas.

Dalam penjelasan UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu lintas dan Angkutan Jalan, pasal 287 (2) juncto Pasal 106 (4) huruf a, b tentang rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan berhenti di belakang garis stop. Pidananya ialah kurungan dua bulan penjara atau denda Rp 500.000.

( Kutipan dari : )

Fitur :

- 3 tombol bantuan untuk mempermudah menjawab pertanyaan.
- Design game ini mirip dengan kuis wants to be a millionere, bertujuan untuk lebih mengingat pertanyaan dan jawaban yang tidak hanya sekedar bermain.

Harapan saya dapat menambah wawasan masyarakat untuk lebih mengetahui dan tau penerepan beretika dalam keselamatan berlalu lintas.

Satu pertanyaan di berikan waktu 1 menit

- Keistimewaan versi donasi

1. Bermain tanpa batas, tanpa ada batas waktu 10x bermain dalam 1 jam.
2. Ads free

- Special Thanks kepada donatur

Terimakasih banyak kepada para donatur yang mau menyumbangkan sedikit untuk membantu pengembangan aplikasi sehingga aplikasi ini benar-benar menjadikan media pembelajaran digital yang dapat berguna untuk semua kalangan masyarakat.

"Jadilah Pelopor Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas"

Quiz Simulation Theory Test C Sim, Sim A
Donate Version 1.0 (Pro)

Note: If anyone wants help for correction of questions and answers emails to [email protected]

Correction of questions and answers submitted will help to repair and use of this application for mutual learning. :)

Media with the application model in the form of a quiz game.
(Lattice Theory Exam Sim)

Read Me First:

Expected to download the free version first, to adjust and match the device / smartphone each - each user (user).

Sharing knowledge: Knowing YBJ (Yellow Box Junction)

If crossing ahead Traffic Light intersection Sarinah Jl. MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, will be seen a square or rectangular-sized yellow painted on the asphalt. Many road users are wondering function of the yellow box.

The box is called Yellow Box Junction (YBJ). YBJ are road markings intended to prevent the density of traffic on the line and could result in delays in the flow of vehicles in the other lane that is not solid. With YBJ, expected density at the intersection is not locked.

Yellow Box Junction is very useful at the crossroads congested on the main roads as well as when the peak time traffic density. Many motorists still break through light (traffic light) red, when the vehicle in front of the queue has not been unraveled. This YBJ although their light has been green traffic light road users who are not signed YBJ must stop when there is another vehicle in the YBJ. They can only go forward if the vehicle in YBJ already out.

For riders who are still forced to enter his vehicle into YBJ, but still there is another vehicle in it, it will be on a ticket, this is tantamount violate road markings.

Yellow Box Junction works best if there is awareness of road users. Because of citizen awareness is also the key to smooth traffic. So if motorists see the path in front faltered, should not be pushed into YBJ even though the light was still green. So when other lines of green, there will be no delays in traffic flow.

In the explanation of Law No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation, Article 287 (2) in conjunction with Article 106 (4) a, b of traffic signs and stop behind the stop line. The punishment is imprisonment of two months in prison or a fine of Rp 500,000.

(Excerpt from:


- 3 buttons help to facilitate answering questions.
- Design is similar to a quiz game wants to be a millionere, aiming to better remember the questions and answers that are not just playing.

Hope I can add insight to the public to better know and tau penerepan ethics in traffic safety.

One question in the given time of 1 minute

- Privileged version donations

1. Playing without limit, without any time limit 10x playing within 1 hour.
2. Ads free

- Special Thanks to donors

Appreciation to donors who want to donate a little to assist the development of applications so that these applications really make digital learning media that can be useful for all the community.

"Be Pioneers Safety Traffic Passes"

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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