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eNutrimet is a nutritional app for smartphones and tablets. The app is health professionals oriented from nutrition units at healthcare institutions, but it can be used by any health professional who wants to know the nutritional status of their patients .

There are a set of nutritional assessments and screening methods for the professional to decide preferencies of use or best suited for specific needs. These methods include:
1 - Chang’s method
2 - Malnutrition Universal Scrrening Tool (MUST)
3 - Generated Subjective Global Assessment Patient (VGS -GP)
4 - Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS-2002)
5 - Control Nutricional (CONUT)
6 - Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Pediatrics (STAMP)

eNutrimet also offers a tool to calculate the Total Caloric Value (TCV) through 6 main formulas used for this purpose. The Harris-Benedict, Ireton-Jones, Owen, Mifflin-St Jeor, Roza and World Health Organization (WHO) equations, allow establishing the caloric regimen the patient must consider to be well nourished, determining the number of daily calories they need based on the clinical situation.

eNutrimet app has a number of advantages when compared with traditional and commonly used nutritional assessment methods:
- SPEED when obtaining nutritional status. You can perform a nutritional assessment of any patient in 1 minute.
- PORTABILITY: the clinician can move the tool in his pocket and dispose of it anywhere. This allows you to perform a nutritional assessment bedside or even in the patient's home.
- ACCURACY: not having to do the calculations by hand, the possibility of error is less. Calculations made ​​by the application have been tested extensively to exclude any possibility of error.
- SCALABILITY: Ability to include more methods of use in the field of clinical nutrition.
- AGILITY: currently allow more time is a luxury for many health professionals, as they have high work load makes little room available to devote to other tasks such as research. With eNutrimet can save an average of 4 minutes per patient, this is a savings of almost 1 ½ hours in consutation of 20 patients!
- EFFICIENCY: The program can be used in primary care to be the doctor who performed the first nutritional screening, avoiding nutritionist lead to those patients with a good nutritional status.
- COMFORT: when choosing a nutritional product appropriate for the patient is not necessary to know all the formulas available in the market. The program decides which is appropriate for the patient based on their type and degree of malnutrition and the underlying pathology.

Available in spanish, english and portuguese.

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