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Download Blokkology Super Blitz Now


Blokkology Super Blitz has finally arrived. Compete against players around the world to set unbeatable times and submit them to our online leaderboard.

Blokkology Super Blitz is a simple but fiendishly difficult game where you must reach the target square in the allotted moves. Move up, down, left or right by the given distances in order to complete any level.

Super Blitz features a handy practise mode where you can focus on a specific number of tiles and begin to master your technique.

Also we have added a new creation mode where players can build their own levels from scratch using simple code coordinates. This ads a new competitive element where players can challenge others to complete any conceivable levels - possible or not!!!

Super Blitz is a step up in speed too - so hardcore Blokkology gamers will love it!

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