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Download Arahan Ketum Partai Perindo Now


Aplikasi / start up Android tentang arahan dari ketua umum Partai Perindo, Bapak Hary Tanoesoedibjo, melalui 3 pendekatan, target partai Perindo dari tahun 2016 hingga menuju Pilpres 2019, sehingga kader dapat bersatu bergandeng tangan menjadi partai yang solid guna membangun Indonesia sejahtera, Applications / start up Android on the direction of the chairman of the Party Perindo, Mr. Hary Tanoesoedibjo, through three approaches, the target Perindo party from 2016 to 2019 headed the presidential election, so that cadres to unite hand in hand into a solid party in order to build a prosperous Indonesia,

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