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Just in Time call recorder - easily record any call.


Key Features:
* Chat-head-like floating icons to start or pause call recording anytime during a call, or open built in notes editor
* Add notes to your recording any time during a call, not just after the call ends
* See notes history when in call
* Select from various calls recording options - Manual or automatic for all calls, contacts or non contacts. Define white/black lists to refine even more.
* Automatic backup to Dropbox, with the option to upload only when connected to wifi and/or charger
* Automatically delete old recordings based on date, count or storage size
* Add notes to calls from Call log
* Create reminders to recordings
* Material Design
* Categorize / Star / Comment your recordings making it super easy to find any recording later
* Pin-protect your recordings from wondering eyes
* Multi-lingual

Whenever in a call, Jit Call Recorder chat-head-like icons will immediately float undisturbingly on top of your call screen, small enough and draggable making sure you can still access all your call-screen functions. Just tap it anytime during the call to start, pause or continue call recording , or open its embedded editor and add or update your notes. You can also view previous notes for the other party of this call directly from the notes editor.
Once call is finished, a notification will show in your notification area, allowing you to snooze it and attend it later, or immediately access your recording in the application user interface.

Open the Material-designed user interface to view all your recordings in a call-log style, grouped by contact or date for your convenience, and easily do any of the followings:
* Quickly find recordings based on various criterias including call direction, category and free-text search
* Organize your recordings by categorizing or starring them
* Use the built in call log importer to select any call from your call log and add notes to it as though taken during a call
* Multi select recordings to quickly delete or share them
* Import and export your recordings. No worries, importing recordings does not override existing ones

View any recording in a detailed display, and easily do any of the followings:
* Listen to your recording directly from the built in recordings player
* Categorize and/or star recordings
* Edit the contact assigned to the recording - just open the built-in contact selector and select one or more contacts (extremely useful for conference calls)
* Add or edit your note
* Create a reminder to attend it whenever you need
* Swipe to the left or to the right to easily navigate between recordings

Customize your Jit Call Recorder app even more:
* Protect your notes by defining a pin code for accessing the app
* Change the user interface display language to without having to change your entire phone display language
* Manage all your categories
* Customize Jit Call Recorder behavior during phone calls. Whether you prefer the floating icons on or off, wheter you want to automatically record calls or manually - all can be configured.
* Define rules for cleaning old records - whether based on time passed, recordings count or storage size - and any combination of those options
* Automatically backup all your recordings to Dropbox
* And many more options

Jit Call Recorder license, Call Recording, Take notes during call

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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