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Download Les Instruments de Musique Now


-L’application parfaite pour découvrir les instruments de musique du monde entier !
-Une application crée par des musiciens soucieux de la qualité sonore. La musique provient de vrais instruments enregistrés.
-Minimum 16 secondes de musique par instrument
-Des vrais photos, ce qui permets aux enfants de mieux identifier les instruments et de s’en souvenir.
-Des mises à jour mensuelles gratuites
-Actuellement 55 instruments :
• Accordéon
• Accordéon diatonique
• Balalaika
• Banjo
• Basson
• Batterie
• Bol Tibetain
• Bongos
• Bouzouki
• Bugle
• Caisse Claire
• Castagnettes
• Célesta
• Chœur
• Clarinette
• Clavecin
• Congas
• Contrebasse
• Cor
• Cornemuse
• Derbouka
• Djembé
• Erhu
• Flute A Bec
• Flute De Pan
• Flute Indienne
• Flute Traversière
• Gamelan
• Glockenspiel
• Guitare
• Guitare Electrique
• Harpe
• Koto
• Maracas
• Marimba
• Orgue
• Oud
• Piano
• Piccolo
• Santour
• Saxophone
• Sitar
• Steel Drum
• Synthétiseur
• Tablas
• Tambourin
• Timbales
• Triangle
• Trombone
• Trompette
• Tuba
• Violon
• Violoncelle
• Xylophone -The application perfect for discovering musical instruments from around the world!
-An Application creates by musicians concerned with sound quality. The music comes from real recorded instruments.
-Minimum 16 seconds of music by instrument
-Of Real pictures, which allow the children to better identify the instruments and remember.
-Of Made free monthly updates
-Currently 55 instruments:
• Accordion
• diatonic
• Balalaika
• Banjo
• Bassoon
• Drums
• Bowl Tibetan
• Bongos
• Bouzouki
• Bugle
• Snare
• Castanets
• Celesta
• Choir
• Clarinet
• Harpsichord
• Congas
• bass
• Cor
• Bagpipe
• Derbouka
• Djembe
• Erhu
• Flute A Bec
• Pan flute
• Indian Flute
• Transverse Flute
• Gamelan
• Glockenspiel
• Guitar
• Electric guitar
• Harp
• Koto
• Maracas
• Marimba
• Organ
• Oud
• Piano
• Piccolo
• Santour
• Saxophone
• Sitar
• Steel Drum
• Synthesizer
• Tablas
• Tambourine
• Timpani
• Triangle
• Trombone
• Trumpet
• Tuba
• Violin
• Cello
• Xylophone

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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