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Mondadori Langenscheidt viaggio&parlo svedese – frasario con audio

• funziona senza connessione Internet: basta scaricarlo una sola volta e può essere sempre utilizzato senza costi aggiuntivi
• contiene 3.095 frasi e parole
• ha tutte le frasi lette da madrelingua
• è suddiviso per temi relativi alle tipiche situazioni da viaggio
• dispone della funzione Preferiti
• grazie alla funzione Cronologia permette di richiamare l’ultima voce cercate
• permette di impostare la grandezza del carattere
• è dotato di modalità paesaggio

Lingue disponibili: inglese, spagnolo, francese, tedesco, portoghese, turco, svedese, norvegese, danese, finlandese, polacco, croato, neerlandese, cinese

Sistema richiesto: Android 1.6 o più Mondadori Langenscheidt talk & travel Swedish - phrasebook with audio

• works without an Internet connection: just download once and can always be used at no additional cost
• contains 3,095 words and phrases
• has all the sentences read by native speakers
• is divided thematically related to the typical travel situations
• have the Favorites feature
• thanks to the History feature allows you to recall the last item you are looking for
• allows you to set the font size
• equipped with a landscape mode

Available languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, turkish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Croatian, Dutch, Chinese

Required system: Android 1.6 or more

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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