Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2024 / Feb 17 2024

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  • #22080180 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2024? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2024, post it here! If you know of issues with Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2024, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22081655 Reply | Quote
    Thom Webb

    I just downloaded and tried this out. I must say, it’s pretty good, and I haven’t even tried out most of the features yet! It allowed me to do in seconds and with just a few clicks what once took several apps and a lot of time.
    Using this software on a photo print taken in the mid 1980s then digitally scanned before the year 2000, I was able to zoom in and beautifully enhance in seconds a detail once thought lost to history. I had recovered that detail once before, through much time-consuming effort, but this software made it quick and easy!
    (The photo was a snapshot of two ladies sitting on a bench, taken from several feet away. I was able to zoom in on one of those people, then enhance and clearly show a tiny, oddly shaped detail in the iris of her eye!)
    I will definitely be keeping this software!

    #22082420 Reply | Quote

    How does this compare with Photo Optimizer 9? Is it worth it to install this or stick with Photo Optimizer 9?

    #22083349 Reply | Quote

    I downloaded it but it won’t do anything. Help, I would really like to get this, as a senior I can’t afford photo optimizing products.

    #22083447 Reply | Quote

    [@[email protected]] I have the same question, how does version 9 compare with version 2024? This what I dislike most about Ashampoo, their version numbers and lack of details on their site about what each version offers. In the past I simply grabbed them all, don’t have time to play that game any more.

    #22083630 Reply | Quote

    J’ai fait 2 tentatives de téléchargement, puis 2 installations, et c’est pareil.
    – L’installation se lance bien, mais n’aboutit pas (malgré une longue attente).
    – Lorsque l’on recherche sur le disque, aucun répertoire n’a été créé.
    A priori, il y a bien un soucis (à en croire les autres commentaires).

    #22083663 Reply | Quote

    Qu’elle surprise, çà marche.
    Il faut réellement très patient pour que l’installation se termine, et ce n’est pas assez de le dire. Je pense que là, on atteint vraiment un record en la matière (mais à cheval donné, on ne regarde pas les dents).
    J’ai pas encore testé les fonctionnalités, mais çà me semble vraiment bien.

    #22107326 Reply | Quote

    Thanks, Ashraf!

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Reply To: Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2024 / Feb 17 2024