Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Clipdiary / May 23 2023

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  • #21201135 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Clipdiary? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Clipdiary, post it here! If you know of issues with Clipdiary, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21201692 Reply | Quote

    I prefer the portable version, so I got it from Softvoile website. The key provided works like a breeze !
    The registering is nice and soft, should be the same for many giveaways !

    Thanks SoftVoile :-)

    #21201879 Reply | Quote

    I’ve installed and registered the program. Using Ctrl+D will open it. However, anytime I click on the desktop shortcut or even the exe in Program Files, I get this pop-up error: “Sorry, the existing instance may be too busy to respond. Please close any open dialogs and retry.
    I should also note, that I had a similar error when installing, so I clicked cancel and then a window opened saying installation was completed. Any help please, would be much appreciated.

    #21202994 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    “… I’ve installed and registered the program. Using Ctrl+D will open it. However, anytime I click on the desktop shortcut or even the exe in Program Files, I get this pop-up error: “Sorry, the existing instance may be too busy to respond. Please close any open dialogs and retry. I should also note, that I had a similar error when installing, so I clicked cancel and then a window opened saying installation was completed. Any help please, would be much appreciated …”

    Sorry, Lori, I’ve not seen that specific error in ClipDiary recently, but generally, it looks like something is competing for permission and or computer processor cycles.

    I’d reboot, run as administrator, then go through the routines of clean reboot, safe mode reboot, clean the computer, run SDF /scannow and DISM variants ( search the web ), remove and reinstall, use RevoUninstaller to clean the prior ClipDiary, plus to clean temp files, reboot, reboot, try another computer, endless – it just sounds like you have something else in the way.

    I turn off all hotkeys so they do not surprise me when running other programs, but that does not look like your problem.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Thanks, Ashraf, for letting us explore this and share.


    #21203002 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    “… run SDF /scannow and DISM variants …”

    Doh, I get in my own way with speed typing.

    Try SFC and DISM:

    Dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth

    Dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

    Dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

    sfc /scannow

    Good luck!


    #21209072 Reply | Quote

    Sorry Peter B., I always value your advice, but that whole rigamarole sounds like cruel & unusual punishment to me. Better to avoid stepping into the quicksand in the first place . . . .

    #21210235 Reply | Quote

    it’s so cool!

    #21223637 Reply | Quote

    Um programa bastante completo. Não sei como viver sem um clipboard estendido. Vi alguns softwares mas não me animei a usar porque eram completos demais :)) Ha muitos e muitos anos tenho usado o HamsinClipboard. Um programa muito pequeno e limitado a 10clips com 10 favoritos mas de interface simples e fácil acesso. Esta interface encontrei no ClipDiary só que bem mais expansível e com vários recursos (mas não tantos que confundam) Obrigado SharewareOnSale e também ao desenvolvedor (Tiushkov Nikolay via Softvoile)

    #22767895 Reply | Quote

    clipdairy renuewed

    #22942415 Reply | Quote
    Amigo Sando

    thank you

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Reply To: Clipdiary / May 23 2023