Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Files Inspector Pro / Jun 7 2019

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  • #13883539 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Files Inspector Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Files Inspector Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with Files Inspector Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #13885188 Reply | Quote

    Wow, tough crowd…

    Only a 29% approval rate and not a single comment.

    The program was easy to download and install with built in registration. Although the registration was built in, it still had fields for license number to activate the program. It wasn’t clear what activating might do or what might be missing by not entering a license number.

    It took about 10 minutes to run on my computer and gave a nice graphical representation of the files on my computer. I’m not clear why the program includes information on connecting the internet and what that part of the program does. Yes, the help section is not very useful.

    Not a keeper for me. There are many other programs similar to this and I will go back to using 1 Tree Pro (there is a free version) that I have used for years.

    #13886009 Reply | Quote
    Baptiste R

    Same to John i prefer TreeSize even the Free version but with some tool like for image size i will try to give it a try but same as John the license wasn’t added so this is kind of lie for the “free” of the thing…

    #13888202 Reply | Quote

    Can someone please help? It says it is not registered even though I followed all directions…Thank you.

    #13891805 Reply | Quote

    I think the reason no one has responded is because this program contains a virus. w32.dropper.gen. And each time I’ve tried to respond or “discuss” this, the web page crashes and keeps crashing until I restart the PC. This is a Russian program and my virus program has deleted the above mentioned file 3 times already. So, beware out there.

    #13896721 Reply | Quote
    Chemtable Software


    There are no detentions to this file on VirusTotal (Unfortunately, the forum does not allow to post a link).

    #13898052 Reply | Quote

    1.There are no viruses:
    If your antivirus says there is – it is a common false drawdown.

    2. Note that this is only the first version of the program.

    3.A great addition to “TreeSize”

    #13918068 Reply | Quote
    Daniel Lips

    Where do i find the license-key? Can’t find it in the email….

    #13896713 Reply | Quote
    Chemtable Software
    #14150866 Reply | Quote

    Yes, tough crowd. When I gave it a thumbs up, it only moved from 29% to 30% ? So…. 29 people thought it was bad without leaving a comment? Usually if 2 of 3 people like it, the vote is 66% positive. Anyway…. nice interface, looks better than 1 Tree, but confuses me in that when I uncheck all drives, except a strictly data drive, (No c:) It still shows the applications I have on C: Why?

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Reply To: Files Inspector Pro / Jun 7 2019