Home › Forums › SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion › Text Statistics Analyzer / Oct 4 2018
- This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 5 months ago by
KeymasterHave something to say about Text Statistics Analyzer? Say it here!
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Ira L. Jacobson
GuestI got an error message upon installation:
“License key not valid for this version.”
Can you help so that I can use this software?M>Lenny
GuestHm, It seems it can only analyze TXT files. No WORD for instance…
A shame really…Robert V Jacobson
Guest[@Ira L. Jacobson] You have an older version of TSA already on your computer. Uninstall it (you can do this even after the attempted install of V1.8) Then you can reinstall today’s version. It will work without the error message,
Guest[@Robert V Jacobson]
Robert, I’m afraid you’re missing the point.
Word is a tool, the envelope if you prefer, not the content.
Text analysis tools such as that one don’t care for the tool, they focus at the content –as most of the people to whom you will address your copy. (The media used are important too, but they won’t be word anyway).
Copy/paste the content of your word file into notepad, that’s enough. (you may select the whole text (only) via a subtle selection in Word’s search tool, removing titles and other redundant items thru the styles selection)Better, stop using Word ;)
I only use it at my 9/5 job, otherwise I use simpletext, html or online tools (who are all capable of providing word format for dinosaurs). No more Word. Sometimes a mindmap (really good to produce whole books, technical as well as novels).Though I know much more of Word’s capabilities than 90% of their users.
In fact OneNote (in the µ$oft gallery) is better now. It’s OCR is awesome.Anyway, thanks a lot for this tool, Ashraf and ! But I’ll keep on using some local tools for my French and German work though, until it gets polyglot ;)
Jacques Prada
GuestThank you for this app.
Your site is necessary and more…
GuestIs there a way to count spaces as well for character count? Otherwise it’s not a true character count.
Glen H
GuestWould benefit with remember user column widths and sort order for word frequency/occurrence. Word list expert is/was a better app though now appears to be unavailable. Perhaps this app may still be improved to Word list expert’s standard. Text Edit Plus by this author is also a useful app though the Text Statistics Analyzer within also suffers from the same user features missing as with this offer. Will stick with my registered copy of Word list expert though would be happy to purchase a license of Text Statistics Analyzer if it improves its features, and continues some development.
GuestISSUE 1:
When the Analysis is complete, the results are shown to the user in a table column format. For example, in the Word occurrence results, the 1st column is the list of words in alphabetical order. If there is a particular word the user wants to check on, it is easy to scroll down to that word. Fine and dandy, except result panels in columnar format should always allow sorting by the other columns.If the user would like to see the data sorted by the percentage of occurrence, the user is forced to export the results to a CSV file, then load that data into a different program, such as a Spreadsheet program or a CSV program that can sort the columns.
No one wants to go to all that extra hassle when all that should be necessary is a click on the column that you want to be your primary sort column, then 2nd, and so on, … the same way as it is in so many other programs that present their data in columnar format.
I noticed the result page on words had a word that I was sure was not in the original document. For one, the word was misspelled, and I had already performed a spellcheck on the original document, so I was curious how that word got missed. When I did a search back on the original document, that word could not be found. Next, I checked the text that that Vovsoft’s Text Statistics Analyzer used, but the word was not there either.The odd spelled word in the results panel showed that odd word as “advertiseme.” There is no indication where that word was supposed to be found in the original document.
The original document had the word advertisement one time, and the word advertisements twice.
Somehow Vovsoft Text Statistics Analyzer loses some characters and then treats the result as if that word occurs in the original. That means that all of the calculations for the results cannot be accurate, which in turn makes this program not usable.
Maybe a future version will improve on the current.