Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion UnHackMe / Feb 18 2020

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  • #15012115 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about UnHackMe? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than UnHackMe, post it here! If you know of issues with UnHackMe, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #15014397 Reply | Quote

    Just went to install UnHackMe and Windows Defender says it contains a “severe” virus! What gives?!?!?!

    I have a screen cap but I don’t see an attachment link here. Please contact me, Ashraf!

    #15018043 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Sorry, but I have never gotten any useful function out of GreatIs software, it all seems to lack intelligent awareness and instead depends on me to not only derive the nuisance or function of any found objects, but also depends on me to intuit how the user interface is supposed to function.

    There is no:

    – please wait, inspecting …

    – here’s what I found and what it means and what I recommend you do, click to toggle recommended action on or off …

    Does a check mark mean keep or delete, there’s no popup indicator.

    Note: a check mark, especially a GREEN check mark, universally means [ OK ], good, keep.

    An [ X ], especially a RED [ X ], universally means bad/remove/delete.

    I think this software uses a green check mark to mean bad/remove/delete.

    Let me inspect the two items found:

    I click on a found object, and it says: [ VirusTotal, not tested ] … why not auto test at VirusTotal, like every other program does, why make me do it manually, what’s this program for?

    So I right-click and select [ Check ] and it seems to interrogate VirusTotal … and both suspect items were good at VirusTotal ( so why highlight them as suspect ? ), then I click back on each item, and one now says [ VirusTotal: not checked ] even though I just saw it check at VirusTotal.

    Perhaps each module within this program suite does not communicate and play well with other modules withing this program suite.

    THis happens every time I run any program from GreatIs – I am reminded of why I might use it once, awkwardly, as a tool, then turn off all features, and never use it again, finding all other tools easier to operate and interpret results and unambiguously control the actions they will take.

    It does not default to display everything it finds, and when I ask it to display everything it finds, it asks to scan and search all over again as if it does not remember the prior scan and search … and did not offer me any controls over the first scan and search so I could just say “show me everything” from the start, so I have to what, run it twice, the first time to get to the control to say what kind of second scan I’d prefer?

    Then as I [ Check ] other items found, the program craps out with “Access violation: Reanimator”, and now something is scanning, and I can’t control the windows to see who or what or why.

    It says [ You are unprotected > Click to fit it ] along with [ Network shield is on ] … so what will happen if I click to “fix”, will I see a new screen with controls, or is some unidentified “fix” going to self-install without my control?

    I think that Unhackme and Reanimator are separate programs, and Reanimator crashed out, so Unhackme is all that’s on screen now … so how do I get reanimator to reopen?

    Now Unhackme offers only [ > Fix it! ] as an option, there is no [ Inspect the results ] option … being hopeful and brave, I click [ > Fix it! ] and up pops a window offering 5 different separate scans – no results, just 5 different scan types to run … whenever.

    Uh huh.

    So, what are the [ Malware issues found: 2 ]?

    Why can’t the software tell me?

    It’s nice that this PROMISES to add anti malware references for our hosts file, if anyone cares, BUT my host file shows absolutely nothing added.

    What have others found in using GreatIs software?

    – – – – – – – – – –

    [@Laura] The download itself from SOS is clean according to VirusTotal 70 software scan.

    #15016301 Reply | Quote

    Microsoft fixed this false positive.
    Submission ID: 87d16ea1-a7f6-413c-93e9-d6a08839b51dStatus: Completed
    Submitted: Feb 18, 2020 4:50:57 PM
    User Opinion: Incorrect detection
    Analyst comments:

    We have removed the detection. Please follow the steps below to clear cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.

    1. Open command prompt as administrator and change directory to c:\Program Files\Windows Defender
    2. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
    3. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate”

    Alternatively, the latest definition is available for download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/definitions

    Thank you for contacting Microsoft.

    Virustotal 0/61:

    #15018744 Reply | Quote


    Below is the reply of Dmitry of UnHackMe.

    Microsoft fixed this false positive.
    Submission ID: 87d16ea1-a7f6-413c-93e9-d6a08839b51dStatus: Completed
    Submitted: Feb 18, 2020 4:50:57 PM
    User Opinion: Incorrect detection
    Analyst comments:

    We have removed the detection. Please follow the steps below to clear cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.

    1. Open command prompt as administrator and change directory to c:\Program Files\Windows Defender
    2. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
    3. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate”

    Alternatively, the latest definition is available for download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/definitions

    Thank you for contacting Microsoft.

    Virustotal 0/61:

    #15014950 Reply | Quote

    Microsoft fixed this false positive.
    Submission ID: 87d16ea1-a7f6-413c-93e9-d6a08839b51dStatus: Completed
    Submitted: Feb 18, 2020 4:50:57 PM
    User Opinion: Incorrect detection
    Analyst comments:

    We have removed the detection. Please follow the steps below to clear cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.

    1. Open command prompt as administrator and change directory to c:\Program Files\Windows Defender
    2. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
    3. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate”

    Alternatively, the latest definition is available for download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/definitions

    Thank you for contacting Microsoft.

    Virustotal 0/61:

    #15014708 Reply | Quote

    This is false positive from Windows Defender.
    Virustotal test 1/61:

    I contacted Microsoft about this issue.

    #15022195 Reply | Quote

    Днес инсталирах на компютъра си програмата UnHackMe 11, но не мога да и сменя английския език
    с руски.Свалих инсталатора и за руски език:
    и го отворих като администратор в директорията на програмата, но езика не се промени !?

    #15023248 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    [@Dmitrys] Hi, thanks for the ongoing opportunities to explore your software.

    I must say the “metro” windows are indecipherable when they overlay each other, and there is no way to tell which program is which, where one window begins and ends – why no borders identifying window boundaries and resizing controls?

    Plus, when TWO Windows are open, there is no way to know which is boss, which window is waiting for which window, when it is OK to go ahead in either window, or should we wait for something to happen, and will whichever window is boss tell the other window when it is done, how long do we wait, and so on – too many cooks spoil the broth, someone with two clocks doesn’t know what time it is, and so on, PLEASE make the program work in ONE window only, ONE boss only, ONE cook only.

    I just got additional odd behavior where RegRun Reanimator listed a couple of items, and when I right-clicked each and selected [ Open Folder ], Windows Explorer opened with a crash offering only to close Windows Explorer, and when I manually went to the folder location, the item was gone, and when I asked RegRun Reanimator to [ Scan file ], then RegRun Reanimator itself crashed with an access violation error, I had to kill RegRun Reanimator in task manager, and start again.

    I do not like the sequence where I don’t yet know the whole story on the whole drive scan before I’m asked in the early steps to make a decision, and what if I wait until the end, then where will all the earlier choices that I delayed making be kept for me to review, do I have to take note on paper myself, and go all the way through without making any decisions, then restart the program with my complete notes in my hand, so I then know what to do when the early step asks me to make a decision, I have a complete picture, a context form which to make those decisions, because I know already know what will be found in later steps, so I can make an appropriate decision in earlier steps?

    I’m not even sure how to skip choices in UnHackMe’s steps – will it ignore those entries in the future, or automatically delete them without my knowing, when will I ever see them again so I can make a decision on them?

    There are a few other programs like this where I run the scan, take notes, then exit and address things myself, manually re-finding the directories and files, manually uploading them to VirusTotal myself, deciding what to manually move to [ C:\Backup\- Malware ] ( I do not delete things, I let each future anti malware program see the same questionable files, as a test, to verify ), and I have to manually search the registry to remove references associated with whatever else I have removed manually ( Jouni Vuorio’s RegClean v4.3.780 from 2001 is unsurpassed at this ).

    Other programs that have messed up are Spybot Search & Destroy v2 multi-window mess, so I still use single-window v1, Jouni Vuorio’s multi-window mess jv16PowerTools now by Macecraft Software, so I still use the last functional single-window RegClean v4.3.780 from 2001, and single-window HitManPro, which has no cleaning capability after the initial trial, so all we can do is manually hunt for whatever it finds, but at least it still finds stuff and works from one window.

    UnHackMe and RegRun Reanimator are too arduous to reverse engineer, to figure out, and to master what’s happening.

    As it stands, I can’t recommend this for end users, nor fellow techs.

    – – – – –

    I appreciate that programming is an incredibly difficult task, let alone all the background support for what the program has to mange, such as inspecting for endless listings of malware, so I fully honor that UnHackMe and RegRun Reanimator probably work FOR YOU, the programmer, because you are intimately familiar with them, and they are an expression of how you think of problems and solutions, and how you use software, and so on.

    And even end users who just click and “go ahead” my get no damage, even improvement, regardless of knowing waht happened before, during, or after.

    If you cannot incorporate the entire program into ONE window, like Malwarebytes, like AdwCleaner, like SUPERAntiSpyware, then your UnHackMe/RegRun Reanimator combination will always be a quirky outlier.

    I think of Dan Bricklin’s Demo Program / Software Garden, where he designed the user interface first.

    Thanks for letting us explore, I hope my feedback is useful.

    – – – – – – – – – –

    PS, your web link [ https :// greatis. com/security/reanimator. html ] opens a window that opens a YouTube for a no longer available account, and fails to leave the visitor on the web page – did you think you had a video on auto play?

    #15023350 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    [@Dmitrys] AND it shows this as part of my BootExecute Reg File in
    HKLM-SYSTEM-CurrentControlSet-Control-Session Manager:

    – – – – –

    4E59″, “detection_ratio”: “0/72”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 72}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/62e449589e1f082e8de3fa4d775871e1c66a272e3bd1fe5cc33eeeb40351cd13/analysis/”, “hash”: “8DBF4ECAE1BBAD74C91FA37603353ECFDC47425E”, “detection_ratio”: “0/73”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 73}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/5bcffafb894d69fbcddb91e64d30a356f4bd57098e8b4c51b98afaf6581bdb63/analysis/”, “hash”: “130B5D25F9646A97E708DCCFF925B1236233D8F3”, “detection_ratio”: “0/70”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 70}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/647a9dcb4264932745ee0338abadea6c9bb0eb8c5e8a2a794035f71f1c052e72/analysis/”, “hash”: “852BF4321D108D28D2E71EE9E17ADACF7C5477A3”, “detection_ratio”: “0/72”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 72}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/1f2da3af95c734dcb363f7d14cdc0690b8e2ab3a4c92ce56a23c49b5b9d1d655/analysis/”, “hash”: “494463F795D2C65FC144BCAFE147D84A40DC8283”, “detection_ratio”: “0/71”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 71}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/c8f5e53ef9e686707e88252d7a98efafbe89c3fba4b3dc42c026a8dbc0ec8451/analysis/”, “hash”: “529CE946328EE2A2FC6FE7DA9C0E0916A2E1D1B1”, “detection_ratio”: “0/72”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 72}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/7ee656884090aedb0a615e0641ecc250d6204cb9570ca02216f2b7d5f381e021/analysis/”, “hash”: “3F1A306DB0C56FF1C3AC751F01786B4C0AE5CC2A”, “detection_ratio”: “0/73”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 73}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/02be9e2bdb8e2e6398e54b1c53a6118b948259d7a1ccf2976629525ccba50528/analysis/”, “hash”: “B2B1FF27CDD6D8C7962FB9DFE079728EC0F04ACD”, “detection_ratio”: “0/72”, “positives”: 0, “found”: true, “total”: 72}, {“permalink”: “https :// www. virustotal. com/file/1160b58dc172148bf46deacbf94443c23a4ae467f7a5ce3d1a3d1a98d756d5fe/analysis/”, 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    – – – – –

    Really, and all on one line!

    Cool – I got me some cleaning up to do now.


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Reply To: UnHackMe / Feb 18 2020