Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Vole PageShare Professional Edition LTUD / Mar 9 2018

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  • #10600384 Reply | Quote
    Spam Sorenson

    Interesting, certainly worth a try.

    If their website is an example of the work the product does you be the judge https://sanwhole.com/Products/VolePageShare#

    for me it might be a nice place to start by doing a ‘mock-up’ of content and give to a real graphic artist to finish. Not quite sure how it handles actual deployment.

    Not sure what the license is there are so many – is it one year or unlimited? https://sanwhole.com/iStore/Products.aspx?C=7f0c762cac044b1983229620148b3a0d

    Anyway, it could be useful for mock-up and certainly more user friendly that other mock-up builders, definitely cheaper. and unquestionably a good idea to use for page content collecting and organization. Yet the output product, if their site is a model, is not ready for prime time.

    I will give it a try, perhaps in the meantime, can you tell us what product license you are generously offering today?

    Thanks. It is a good idea, useful for sure if it works.

    I will download it and test on my next mock-up before I know if it is a keeper.

    #10600535 Reply | Quote
    Norman Wong

    [@Spam Sorenson] Today’s offer is Vole PageShare Professional Edition LTUD. (LTUD = Lifetime use plus free minor updates)

    #10600900 Reply | Quote

    Keep getting this “Error.
    An error occurred while processing your request.
    EXCEPTION: 712090725 ” when trying to register, have registered twice but no luck

    #10600978 Reply | Quote

    Managed to get registered etc. but now i can not login to account, says “Invalid login attempt” everytime.

    #10601920 Reply | Quote

    The insteller has encontered an unexpected error instelling this package.
    This may indicate a problem with this package/ The error code is 2503

    32 and 64 , yes?

    #10601942 Reply | Quote
    hamidi zoheir

    aprés installation du programme et accéder à mon compte.
    le click sur “HI” ne repond pas.ce n’est pas un bouton.
    de l’aide s’il vous plaît.

    #10601955 Reply | Quote
    hamidi zoheir

    aprés l’ installation du programme et Accéder à mon compte .
    le clique sur « HI » ne repond pas un pas.ce N’est bouton.
    de l’aide s’il vous plaît.

    #10601958 Reply | Quote
    Spam Sorenson


    It just seems to me that licensing should be at least a little bit intuitive. Downloaded the license sucessfully – assigned the license file correctly and got an error “Sucessfully specify license file! Please specify again after the file path changed.”

    That’s just bad UX. It is a good concept but if I have to fight a license – with all the license methods available, the software can’t possibly be better.

    # Mr Wong, you would benefit greatly if your software licensing were improved, and your website polished up. I will uninstall this because the registration process is arcane and doesn’t make sense and worse doesn’t work.

    Not upset about the wasted time, am disappointed because I could use a site prototyping tool and yours has potential.

    #10602013 Reply | Quote
    hamidi zoheir

    it works fully…thanks.

    il fonctionne correctement….merci.

    #10602192 Reply | Quote
    Norman Wong

    [@Spam Sorenson] That is not an error. That is a info let you know your license is ready.

    #10602203 Reply | Quote

    Hello, I did not manage to register this software,
    On the dashboard when I click the “Download License Files” button, it will allow me to download “License.aspx” and not the “VOLELICENSES.TXT” file. Perhap could this be the reason why “SPECIFY LICENSES FILE” could not detect the LTUD licence ?

    Thank You for your assistance.

    I do looking forward to test this promising software.

    #10602209 Reply | Quote
    Norman Wong

    [@hamidi zoheir] The traffic is busy. You can refresh the page and try again.

    #10603317 Reply | Quote

    Does VOLE supply the space to host the webpage?
    If so, for how long?
    If not, where do I store my page?

    #10603459 Reply | Quote
    Norman Wong

    [@dan] Vole PageShare doesn’t support website hosting. PageShare Web Hosting is dedicated for hosting Vole PageShare websites. Current, there is just has a heavy 75% off discount ($10 for 12 months up to 5 websites hosting) during this promotion. Certainly, you don’t have to host Vole PageShare website on Sanwhole. You can host it at any web space that can host a standard HTML 5 website. But, our hosting is the most convenient and cheapest.

    #10603766 Reply | Quote
    Mark Laurence

    Lovely program will have great pleasure in learning how to use it

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)
Reply To: Vole PageShare Professional Edition LTUD / Mar 9 2018