Ignore Kotobee’s email asking to pay invoice

Hi friends,

In January of this year we ran a giveaway of Kotobee Author (Basic). The terms of the giveaway allow you to keep and use Kotobee Author for life, as long as you don’t update it or try to reinstall it. However, earlier this week the developer of Kotobee sent out emails asking that SoS’ers pay an invoice, such as shown in the screenshot below:

Please note, SharewareOnSale did not send this email and we did not approve Kotobee to send it to you. You do not have to pay any invoice and requesting any payment from you is strictly against our terms and conditions. Kotobee Author should continue working for you without paying the invoice.

I’ve talked with the developer of Kotobee and they have told me this email was sent out by mistake. They have apologized and told me they sent a follow-up email telling users of this mistake. I sincerely apologize for any issues this may have caused. Again, do not pay the invoice.

Please remember, if ever a shady developer invalidates your giveaway, please contact me. If your concern is legitimate, I will always take strict action against the developer.

Thanks all!

Take care,
Mr. Boss @ SharewareOnSale


  1. Apologies for this error, and thanks Ashraf for clarifying to the users. Since there are comments easily accusing us of bad intent, it is my responsibility to clarify a few things to prove this is not the case:

    1) If you follow the payment link, you will find that it is impossible to pay us anything. It’s a dead end.
    2) This email was sent approximately 7 months after the giveaway. Meaningfully it should have been 1 month after the giveaway (the end of the duration of the free upgrades).
    3) The email was accidentally sent to thousands of users (not just giveaway users), but we terminated the sending midway. We did not trace who exactly received this email, but whoever emailed us received a thorough explanation and apology.

    Whoever uninstalled the software or lost their serial, can email us back to retrieve the serial. Apologies once more for this accident.

    Thank you.

  2. CB

    I received the email and uninstalled the program as I had no intentions of paying. I responded to the email stating this, and did receive an apology email from the company. Of course now the program has been uninstalled, any possible inclination for a future upgrade vanished.
    Thanks for addressing this issue. I was confident SOS had no knowledge or involvement.

  3. Rainer R. Hertig

    I received that eMail, too but ignored it and intended to send them during the next days a copy of the sos website with the original offer. Okay, thanks a lot for your update in this matter. I don’t want to work with this company in future.

  4. Thanks for this info. I had already upgraded to the premium service with Kotobee so didn’t receive any invoice but I appreciate you looking out for us. I might just add that I have been very happy with Kotobee and the customer service they provide. And, I would never have known about them if you hadn’t offered the initial exposure to their basic service. Thanks, again.

  5. Ros

    I did receive an invoice. I sent it to Trash!
    I appreciate your sending an email to clarify. I had already presumed this had nothing to do with you.
    Thank you for the work you do, it is much appreciated by me.
    Kind regards,

  6. Daniel Sarli

    Thank you, Ashraf, for all the effort you put on ShrarewareOnSale, it’s Really appreciated =)

  7. stephen m sefcik

    Yes, I also got that email to pay and trashed it. Big thanks and much credit to you at sos and Ashraf for your response to this issue. I’ve been following you guys for years and have always felt comfortable trusting you.
    Keep up the great work.

  8. craig swallow

    I received the e-mail. Messaged them back as i thought what the hell is going on. They replied the next day saying it was a mistake. I think it was a ploy to make quick cash personally. Caused a load of people a quick skip of the heartbeat i bet. Totally out of order.

  9. YURY

    Thanks for the warning. Sent many emails requesting payment. I ignored them. I think this is not a bug Kotobee, and purposeful misrepresentation because they did not send an explanation and a warning. And you only sent a warning. Thank you again. Good luck!

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