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- Serie premiada de libros infantiles
- Ganador del Premio “Mom’s Choice”
- la única app en el App Store de fuente con usabilidad al disléxico
- una de las apps más educativas en el App Store

Acosadores: Intimidación en el patio de recreo les enseña a los niños sobre la intimidación, el acoso, y el bullying, y que todos somos maravillosos no importan el tamaño, la forma, ni el color de piel.


Características y ventajas:

- completamente narrado
- fuente con usabilidad fácil para disléxicos
- interactivo
- libro con audio
- Colores brillantes y vivos, acción y aventura


Lo que dicen los padres:

Aunque tenemos cienes de libros en casa, éstos son de los únicos que quieren que leamos repetidamente. Ahora ella tiene 8 años y le lee todos los libros Tiki a su hermanita.

Tiene cinco años y medio y se sentó conmigo y escuchó
atentamente todo el cuento.


Resumen del libro: ¡Una muchacha llamada Maya necesita ayuda! Cuando asistió a sus clases hoy, sus compañeros de clase se burlaron de ella y le insultaron a causa de sus lentes nuevas. Maya les pide a Greg y a la Tribu Neón Tiki que le ayuden con todo lo que pueda hacer ella para prevenir los insultos y la intimidación de los demás. Júntate con Mowah y Tia mientras ellos le ayudan a Maya. - Series award-winning children's books
- Winner of "Mom's Choice"
- The only app in the App Store Dyslexic usability source
- One of the most educational apps on the App Store

Stalkers: Bullying in the playground teaches children about bullying, harassment and bullying, and we are all wonderful no matter the size, shape, or color of skin.


Features and Benefits:

- Fully narrated
- Source with easy usability for dyslexics
- Interactive
- Audio Book
- Bright, vibrant colors, action and adventure


What parents say:

Although we have HUNDREDS of books at home, they are the only ones who want to read repeatedly. Now she is 8 years old and reads all Tiki books to your sister.

It has five and a half years and sat with me and listened
Carefully whole story.


Book Summary: A girl named Maya needs help! When he attended classes today, his classmates made fun of her and insulted because of their new lenses. Maya asks Greg and Neon Tiki Tribe to help with everything that she can do to prevent insults and intimidation of others. Get together with Mowah and Tia while they help you Maya.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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