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Hierdie toepassing leer kinders meer oor die wêreld van werk asook om verskillende beroepe te identifiseer en te verstaan. As jou kind op die ouderdom is waar hy of sy gedurig gesels oor sy droom werk van eendag is hierdie die perfekte toepassing om hom bloot te stel aan die verskillende beroepe daar buite.

So klein soos die kinders is, is hulle verbeelding groot en hulle fantasie-beroep verskil daagliks. Met hierdie toepassing leer jou kind op ‘n speel-speel manier oor verskillende beroepe. Daar is 80 verskillende beroepe waaran jou kind lag-lag, kan leer, identifiseer en verstaan.

Elke beroep word deur die toepassing uitgebeeld as ‘n legkaart, sodra die legkaart aan makaar gesit is, verskyn die naam van die beroep en daar word ‘n kort beskrywing gegee. Op hierdie manier leer jou kind nie net 80 verskillende beroepe nie, maar ook oor die rolspelers in die gemeenskap en wat hulle doel is, byvoorbeeld: ‘n brandweerman blis vure, so wanneer daar ‘n vuur is moet ons die brandweerman bel.

Van die beroepe op die toepassing is:


en nog vele meer.

Die toepassing is gebruikersvriendlik en kinders 2 jaar en ouer kan dit geniet en verstaan sonder toesig. Dit is ook die perfekte geleentheid om saam met jou kind deur die verkillende broepe te werk en uit te vind wat sy gunsteling is soos daar meer beroepe ontdek word.This application teaches children to identify and understand more about the world of work as well as various professions. If your child is at the age where he or she is constantly talking about his dream job of one day, this is the perfect application to expose it to the various professions out there.

So small as children, they are imagination and great imaginative professions vary daily. This application teaches your child in a playful way about different careers. There are 80 different occupations waaran laughing your child can learn to identify and understand.

Every profession is portrayed by the application as a puzzle, once the puzzle is put to makaar, the name appears on the profession and there is a brief description. This way your child will learn not only 80 different occupations, but also the stakeholders in the community and what their purpose, for example: a firefighter BLIS fires, so if there is a fire, we should call the fireman.

Some of the occupations on the application are:

* Doctor
* Fireman
* policeman
* Nurse
* Veterinarian

and many more.

The application is gebruikersvriendlik and children 2 years and older can enjoy and understand unattended. It is also the perfect opportunity to work and learn with your child through the different broepe that his favorite as it is discovered more jobs.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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