• CONTROLLO E CALCOLO BUSTA PAGA: Consente di controllare i calcoli relativi alla busta paga (o alla pensione) mensile ed in particolare i contributi e le imposte dovute mediante l’inserimento della retribuzione lorda e delle altre voci soggette e non soggette a imposte e contributi;
• CALCOLO BUSTA PAGA (DAL NETTO AL LORDO): Consente di determinare l'importo lordo della retribuzione in base ai dati forniti dall’utente e cioè l'importo mensile netto, la tipologia e la durata del rapporto di lavoro nonchè il carico familiare del dipendente;
• CALCOLO COSTO LAVORO: Consente di determinare il costo aziendale del lavoro subordinato (operai, impiegati, quadri e dirigenti) del settore privato in base ai dati forniti dall’utente e cioè l'importo lordo o netto (mensile o annuale), la tipologia e la durata del rapporto e il carico familiare del dipendente;
• CALCOLO COSTO COLLABORATORI: Consente di determinare il costo aziendale del lavoro parasubordinato (collaboratori e associati in partecipazione) in base ai dati inseriti dall’utente e cioè l'importo lordo o netto (mensile o annuale), la tipologia e la durata del rapporto e il carico familiare del collaboratore.
In caso di variazioni delle aliquote fiscali e previdenziali saranno rilasciati gli opportuni aggiornamenti. The application CHECKING AND PAY ENVELOPE CALCULATION - CALCULATION OF LABOUR COST is useful both for workers and for employers because you can make the following calculations:
• CONTROL AND PAY ENVELOPE CALCULATION: Allows you to check the calculations for paychecks (or retirement) monthly and in particular the contributions and taxes owed by the insertion of gross earnings and other items subject and not subject to taxes and contributions ;
• PAY ENVELOPE CALCULATION (IN GROSS PROFIT FROM): Determine the gross amount of remuneration based on user-supplied data, ie the monthly net amount, type and duration of the employment relationship as well as the family burden of employee;
• LABOUR COST CALCULATION: Determine the company's cost of employment (workers, employees, managers and executives) in the private sector based on user-supplied data, ie the gross amount or net (monthly or yearly), the type and the duration of the relationship and the family by the employee;
• EMPLOYEES COST CALCULATION: Determine the company's cost of para-subordinate work (collaborators and associates in participation) based on user-entered data, ie the gross or net (monthly or yearly), the type and duration of the relationship and the family burden of the employee.
In the event of changes in tax and social security rates will be issued the appropriate updates.
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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