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Download Cute Fairies Now


A Fairy is a mythological creature best known to be a nature spirit. Fairies were developed from the medieval myths of Western Europe romance. They were told to be a tiny imaginary being in human form, depicted as clever, mischievous, and possessing magical powers. Fairies are very beautiful and carried an unexplainable gracefulness. When someone came in contact with a fairy, the person was usually left in awe. Individuals that interacted with them described fairies to have eyes of blue, cherry lips, pearly white teeth and a peaches and cream complexion. Fairies are also portrayed to have the ability to fly, cast magical spells and have the power to foresee the future. Even though Fairies are portrayed as good, there are also stories of them being bad as well. One popular belief that most folks recited to others were that, when the angels rebelled in heaven, God ordered his gates shut; and the ones that were inside the gates remained angels, those outside the gates went to hell and became devils, and the ones that were not good or bad were caught between the middle and became Fairies. Of course there are some folks that believe because of their mischievous behavior, they were thrown out of heaven, but because they were not evil, they wouldn’t be condemned to hell. These tutorials will teach you how to draw these amazing, beautiful creatures with ease. Remember when drawing the Fairy use your imagination. Fairies are colorful and deserve creative detail. Make sure you have fun and don’t forget to sign up and submit your finished work. Express yourself threw your art, it’s the best way to be creative.

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