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Download Dark Glow TR6X UI for Klwp Now


Solo para formatos de pantalla 18/9

Contenido de esta aplicación .....

.Una página

* Contenido de la aplicación
-Acceso directo a llamadas, correo y sms (editar contacto para cada teléfono en global)
-Feed / Rss en inglés y español
-Reproductor de música
-Widgetcon la hora actual y el clima
-6 colores editables
-Animaciones y mucho más.

Lo que necesita antes de usar:
1 / Kustom Live Wallpaper Pro disponible aquí en Play Store
2 / Un lanzador como N. Launcher (compatible con klwp Pro)
En N. Launcher debe seleccionar una pantalla libre, ocultar la barra de notificaciones, ocultar la barra de navegación si el teléfono móvil lo admite, Dock Off, Done !!
3 / Abra la aplicación Klwp Pro y seleccione este elegante tema en la pestaña Menú / Instalado
4 / Espere a que este tema se cargue "dependiendo del tipo de teléfono que llevará más o menos" aproximadamente 10 segundos
Establecer este tema como fondo de pantalla principal

✔ Si tiene más preguntas, puede contactarnos por correo electrónico ubicado en la parte inferior de esta página en Play Store

✔ Califica esta aplicación, ayudará a otras personas ... gracias
✔ Créditos a FREEPIK por la utilización de algunas de sus maravillosas imágenes
✔ Créditos a para el componente de calendarioOnly for 18/9 screen formats

Content of this application .....

.One page

* Application content
-Direct access to calls, mail and sms (edit contact for each phone in global)
-Feed / Rss in English and Spanish
-Music player
-Widget with the current time and weather
-6 editable colors
-Animations and much more.

What you need before using:
1 / Kustom Live Wallpaper Pro available here in Play Store
2 / A launcher like N. Launcher (compatible with klwp Pro)
In N. Launcher you must select a free screen, hide the notification bar, hide the navigation bar if the mobile phone supports it, Dock Off, Done !!
3 / Open the Klwp Pro application and select this elegant theme in the Menu / Installed tab
4 / Wait for this theme to load "depending on the type of phone that will take more or less" approximately 10 seconds
Set this theme as the main wallpaper

✔ If you have more questions, you can contact us by email located at the bottom of this page in Play Store

✔ Rate this app, it will help other people ... thanks
✔ Credits to FREEPIK for the use of some of its wonderful images
✔ Credits to for the calendar component

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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