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Download Female Fitness Best Body Plan Now


From Get your best body in 90 days! Our three-month training program and meal plan will burn fat, build muscle and transform your body.

Month One
This month, we give you the first four weeks of an amazing 12-week training program that you can do in your living room. Combine it with our high-protein meal plan and nothing can stop you from getting the body of your dreams

Month Two
Last month, you committed to a 12-week plan to put yourself on the path to personal transformation. Four weeks into Month One of the amazing program, we’re guessing you’ve already enjoyed some notable progress: stronger arms, tighter legs, better endurance. Let’s see what else your body can do. Welcome to Month Two of your 12-week personal renovation. During this second month, we’re introducing you to one of the simplest yet greatest fitness inventions of all time: the resistance band.

Month Three
In just eight weeks, you’ve made significant progress. Month One was the instrumental tune-up, using your body weight as resistance. Month Two added the melody in the form of resistance bands and plyo. Now, it’s time to end on a high note.
This month, you’ll challenge yourself head to toe with a mix of dumbbell-based exercises and high-intensity cardio. We’ve selected dumbbells as our tools of choice because they provide tons of tactical advantages:
1. Balance
2. Creativity
3. Stability
4. Range of motion
5. Convenience

“HIIT” it!
Exercisers often fall into bad habits when doing cardio – think trudging it out on the treadmill for an hour, day after day, at the same speed. There is a better option. High-intensity interval training, or “HIIT” for short provides exactly what you need to hit your fitness goals: fat burning that lasts all day long.
HIIT involves intervals of high-intensity exercise, such as running at 90 percent of your maximum heart rate, followed by intervals of low-intensity recovery. Scientific studies reveal that there is an increase in your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or “EPOC” for short, following a HIIT session.
What does that mean in plain English? Basically, that your body continuously burns calories and fat at an elevated rate long after you’ve stepped off the treadmill. Also, because a HIIT session is so intense, the time you save is invaluable over the course of a training cycle.
One study conducted by scientists at the University of Western Ontario drives home the value of HIIT. They found that subjects who performed four to six 30-second sprints three times per week burned more than twice as much fat as those who jogged for 30 to 60 minutes at a steady pace. That’s an incredible difference, and one that we want to put to immediate use.
In this program, we suggest that you do your cardio after weight training, as research has shown that your results may be hindered if you precede strength training with intense cardio, but not vice versa.

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