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I hælene på den første bog om ”Low FODMAP diet” skrevet på dansk, er denne App udviklet som et nemt og hurtigt værktøj til at nedsætte eller undgå symptomer i forbindelse med irritabel tarm (IBS).
App’en indeholder blandt andet en komplet liste over de fødevarer, som kan indgå eller bør udelukkes på ”Low FODMAP diet”.

FODMAP’s står for ”Fermenterbare Oligo-, Di-, Monosakkarider And Polyoler” og er en gruppe af kulhydrater, der for de med IBS skaber symptomer fra mave-tarmkanalen.
Low FODMAP diet, der går ud på at undgå ovennævnte gruppe af kulhydrater, har vist sig at bedre symptomerne hos os op mod 70% af de med IBS.

Den informerende tekst i denne App er skrevet af 5 danske diætister med certificeret uddannelse i ”Low FODMAP diet” fra King’s College i London.
Al data vedrørende FODMAP-indhold i fødevarer, som fremgår af denne App, er hentet fra undersøgelser udarbejdet ved Monash University, samt fra danske undersøgelser om laktoseindhold i mejeriprodukter.

App’en indholder:
- Baggrundsinformation
- Dagbog
- Indkøbsguide med information om FODMAP indhold i alle testede fødevarer
- Indkøbsliste hvortil du kan tilføje de fødevarer du ønsker at indkøbe


Har du problemer med App’en?

Efter de nye opdateringer af App’en, er vi blevet opmærksomme på, at mange oplever, at deres fødevareliste er forsvundet. Dette skyldes, at App’en har behov for et par minutter til at lægge alle fødevarerne ned på ens telefon første gang man åbner den.
Hvis man lukker App’en inden den har nået at gøre dette, så forsvinder fødevarelisten.
Oplever man derfor dette problem, bør man geninstallere App’en, og huske at give den 5 min. til at hente fødevarerne ned, den første gang man åbner App’en, inden man lukker den ned igen. On the heels of the first book on "Low FODMAP diet" written in Danish, this App developed as a quick and easy tool to reduce or prevent symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
The app contains among other things a complete list of the foods that can be included or must be excluded at "Low FODMAP diet".

FODMAP's stands for "fermentable Oligo-, di-, Monosaccharides And Polyols" and are a group of carbohydrates that for the creating of IBS symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.
Low FODMAP diet which is to avoid the above-mentioned group of carbohydrates, has been found to alleviate symptoms with us up to 70% of those with IBS.

The informative text in this App is written by five Danish dieticians with certified training in "Low FODMAP diet" from King's College in London.
The data relating FODMAP content in foods, as shown in this app are taken from surveys compiled by Monash University and the Danish studies on lactose in dairy products.

The app contains:
- Background Information
- Diary
- Shopping Guide with information on FODMAP content of all tested foods
- Shopping List to which you can add the food you want to buy

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Having problems with the app?

After the new updates of the app, we have become aware that many are seeing their food list has disappeared. This is because the app needs a few minutes to put all the food down on your phone the first time you open it.
If you close the app before it has had time to do this, then disappears food list.
Seeing therefore this problem, you should reinstall the app, and remember to give the 5 min. to collect the food down the first time to open app before closing it down again.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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