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Download Krishna – Mysteries and Magics Now


Original Stories of Krishna:
Lord Krishna has been source of life and education in many ways. Starting from his childhood when he had to spend his life away from his biological parents he gave various practical lessons to the world - Mother is also the one who takes care of you even when you are not her biological child. He had to kill his own uncle (mother's brother) for the peace on earth. He then narrated meaning & purpose of human life to Arjuna in form of Geeta.

Krishna - Mysteries & Magics:
We have presented 17 short stories about Krishna one in each page. This is for modern day kids who get lesser chances to read about real Krishna and his divine teachings. This book is drawn in modern forms to attract kids but it has good-old values which are must for any kid to survive in today's world. The book comes with very short, easy to understand text and read-along audio.

(Mobile) Book Title: Mysteries & Magics of Krishna
Published by: 5S Publications Inc, USA
Mobile Book Publisher: Maya Magical Studios Pty Ltd, Australia
Mobile Book Platform: Movida Tech, India

Story & Concept: Sudhir Sehgal & Maya Sehgal
Art & Illustration: Ishan Trivedi
Text Editing: Kavita Sehgal & Amit Wadhwa
Audio: Amit Wadhwa

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