Această aplicaţie este o aplicaţie audio destinată tuturor românilor din ţară sau din străinătate care vor să studieze limba engleză. Conţine peste 500 de exemple audio cu traducere si pronunţie, plus multe alte funcţii, precum texte audio traduse si explicate si lectii de pronunţie.
Acest program de invatat limba engleza este bazat pe limba engleză americană, cea mai cunoscută pronunţie de pe glob. Engleza americană este cea mai cerută de firmele internaţionale.
Fie că vreţi să studiaţi limba engleză sau sunteţi în Statele Unite, Marea Britanie, Japonia sau orice altă ţară, şi aveţi nevoie de un ghid de limbă engleză, aceasta este soluţia perfectă.
Aplicaţia conţine diverse situaţii cu exemple audio şi traducere, pecum "La aeroport," "La hotel," "La o întâlnire," "La restaurant," sau "În călătorie."
Aceasta este o aplicaţie necesară oricărui călător în străinătate.
Aplicaţia este în continuă dezvoltare. Odată cumpărată, vei beneficia gratuit de toate actualizările, noi texte audio, exerciţii si jocuri.
Mult spor la studiu!Try the best application for learning English AUDIO! It has a user-friendly design, easy to use and useful in any situation! Forget endless conversation guides bought with good money and do not teach you anything, or expensive paid tutoring unnecessary. With this app you can learn in a fun way at your leisure, home home from work.
This application is an application designed for audio all Romanians in the country or abroad who want to study English. It contains over 500 audio examples with translation and pronunciation, plus many other features, such as audio texts translated and explained and pronunciation lessons.
This program is based on learned English American English, the pronunciation known around the globe. American English is the most demanded by international companies.
Whether you want to study English or are in the United States, Britain, Japan or any other country, and you need an English speaking guide, this is the perfect solution.
The app contains various situations with audio examples and translation pecum "At the airport," "At the hotel," "At a meeting," "restaurant," or "travel."
This is an application required for any traveler abroad.
The application is still under development. Once purchased, you will receive all updates free of new audio texts, exercises and games.
Study gain more!
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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