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Download Mathex Scientific Calculator Now


Mathex Scientific Calculator

Fully featured, expression based, scientific calculator which looks and operates like a real one.

Mathex includes the following features:
* Direct algebraic logic: enter equations as they are written
* History Playback: Recall any of the 10 last steps you have made
* Expression (re)editing: change equations and recalculate
* Chain calculations: use answer in following equation
* 2-Line display: check your equation and answer at the same time
* Intuitive Plotting feature
* Symbolic derivative
* Metric conversions
* Physical constants table
* 10 numerical memories
* Percentages calculations
* Combinatorial operators
* Trigonometry functions in degrees, radians or grads
* Normal, Fixed, Scientific or Engineering display modes
* Thin space digit grouping (SI/ISO 31-0 standard)
* Random number generator/White Noise for functions
* Sturdy, stylish look

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