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Download Meditation for begyndere Now


Lær hvordan du hviler mere i dig selv og får en mere afslappet og rar hverdag.

Du vil med denne guidede meditation med blød musik i baggrunden:

- komme af stress og stress-symptomer
- opnå en større personlig ro og tålmodighed - selv i en stresset hverdag
- føle dig som et overskudsmenneske

Meditation hjælper dig med at give din tankestrøm en pause - og du vil få en mental afslapning som du ikke har oplevet i årevis.

Meditation bliver ofte misforstået og ophøjet til noget der er mere eller mindre uopnåeligt. med dette program vil du få øje på at meditation er for alle, meditation er enkelt og meditation er rart og nemt at gå til.

Alle mennesker kan meditere og du vil opdage at du kan lære det på meget kort tid.

Meditation for begyndere kurset på lydbog hjælper dig til at:

- få et større overskud i hverdagen
- få en grundfølelse af ro i kroppen
- lære dig selv at give din krop den ro, som den fortjener
- finde dig selv igen - og give dig selv tid til at have det godt i din hverdag.

Meditationen med musik, er lavet til at lære dig hvordan du kan meditere - og efterfølgende give dig en blid og rar meditation med musik.Learn how to more confident about yourself and have a more relaxed and enjoyable life.

You will with this guided meditation with soft music in the background:

- Get rid of stress and stress symptoms
- Achieve greater personal peace and patience - even in a stressful workday
- Feel like a surplus human

Meditation helps you to give your thought power a break - and you will get a mental relaxation as you have not experienced for years.

Meditation is often misunderstood and elevated to something that is more or less unattainable. with this program you will spot that meditation is for everyone, meditation is easy and meditation is nice and easy to access.

All people can meditate and you will find that you can learn it in a very short time.

Meditation for Beginners course on audio book helps you to:

- Get a larger surplus in everyday life
- Have a basic sense of calm in the body
- Teach yourself to give your body the rest it deserves
- Rediscover yourself - and give yourself time to feel good in your life.

The meditation with music, is designed to teach you how to meditate - and then give you a gentle and pleasant meditation with music.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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