Schede Allenamento ed esercizi per il fitness.
Crea le tue schede di allenamento o scegli tra quelle esistenti, direttamente dalla app oppure dal sito web App e sito web sono sincronizzati.
Libreria di 200 esercizi selezionabili per nome, gruppo muscolare o attrezzo.
Crea un nr illimitato di nuovi esercizi personalizzati (versione PRO).
Crea un nr illimitato di schede di allenamento (versione PRO).
Registra tutti i tuoi allenamenti su un calendario e visualizza il grafico degli andamenti (versione PRO)
Registra i tuoi massimali di ogni esercizio, i tuoi valori corporei come il peso, massa grassa, ecc... e monitora i tuoi andamenti su un grafico (versione PRO).
Esercizi con macchinari cardiovascolari, isotonici, manubri, bilancieri, cavi, fitball, kettlebell, stretching, corpo libero.
In ogni esercizio trovi:
- una breve descrizione dell’esecuzione
- alcune immagini che riprendono l’esecuzione dell’esercizio
- un video dimostrativo
- i gruppi muscolari interessati
- uno spazio per le note
Disponibile online versione per personal trainer, palestre e centri fitness. I tuoi clienti visualizzeranno la schede anche su smartphone. App gyms Motus Fitness.
Sheets Training and exercises for fitness.
Create your own class schedule or choose from existing ones, directly from the app or from the website App and website are synchronized.
Library 200 exercises selected by name, muscle group or tool.
Create an unlimited nr of new personalized exercises (PRO version).
Create an unlimited card nr training (PRO version).
Record all your workouts on a calendar and displays the graph of the trends (PRO version)
Record your ceilings of each exercise, your body values such as weight, fat mass, etc ... and monitors your performance on a graph (PRO version).
Exercises with cardiovascular equipment, isotonic, dumbbells, barbells, cables, fitball, kettlebell, stretching, free body.
In each exercise are:
- A brief description of the execution
- Some images that reflect the performance of the exercise
- A video demonstration
- The affected muscle groups
- A space for notes
Available online version for personal trainers, gyms and fitness centers. Your customers will see the cards even on smartphones.
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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