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Download My 36 Cool Sweets Wallpapers Now


Cool Sweets Wallpapers is one of our food themed live wallpapers for android devices. This app includes a collection of 36 colorful and delicious wallpapers. Three themes are included:
- The first includes 12 backgrounds containing donuts, muffins, and cupcakes
- The second theme is dedicated to ice-cream. We added 12 backgrounds containing different types and flavors of ice-cream such as ice-cream canes and cups and colorful flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, and more.
- In third theme we made 12 backgrounds that contain all types of sweets. Along with donuts and muffins from previous themes, we added some cakes, bonbons, and many more different type of sweets.

Our live wallpapers are compatible with phones and tablets. Visit us:

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